chapter 10 combined
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Are editorials used to influence readers?
What is Yes
Who writes the column?
What is Columnist
Who are the people who write the reviews- should know the medium of what they're writing about.
What is Reviewers
True or false? Facts are truths- information that can be proved
What is true
President Adams regularly swam nude in the Potomac River. Anne Royall, the first American professional journalist, knew of Adams’ 5 A.M. swims. After being refused interviews with the president time after time, she went to the river, gathered his clothes and sat on them until she had her interview. Before this, no female had interviewed a president. If you read all this- who swam nude and who was the person wanting an interview? Also give one more fact about the interviewer
What is President Adams swam nude and Anne Royall was the one wanting an interview. Fact (any one of these)- first american professional journalist -she knew adams swam at 5 a.m - she was refused many times for an interview - she sat on adams clothes while he was swimming nude just to get an interview. -first to interview a president
________ are the voice of the newspaper.
What is editorials
What are columnist permitted to do?
What is be opinionated and have their own voice/ style of writing.
Who requires a scholarly approach>
What is critic
what are some ways news papers can inform readers without endorsing candidates?
What is -Just listing what each candidate is for and against -streaming debates of websites BASICALLY ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T PERSUADE A PERSON ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!
The amount of information produced in the world increases by _____% each year. a- 55 b-70 c-23 d-30
What is 30%
What are the 5 types of editorials?
What is Persuade, Explain, Praise, Criticize, entertain
What are the four types of columns?
What is Beat, Editorial, Feature, and Humor
_______ are the views or opinions of the writer about entertainment and art or new or existing products and services.
What is Reviews.
How many stories in an average newspaper are read in full? a- all of them b-90% c-none of them d- 18%
What is 18%
Opinion is__?
What is - Your point of view - one side of an argument -your way of interpreting information
What do columnist and bloggers have in common?
What is They are both opinionated and have their own way of writing.
Reviews need _________ as well as _________.
What is information and opinion
What is a blog?
What is a website that can be formed by a citizen or a professional journalist. In a blog opinion is voiced and facts are used to supports opinions.
Name 3 bloggers
What is there are tons (look it up to check if the person answering the wright)
What are the 4 things to structure?
What is Introduction, Reaction, Details and arguments, Conclusion
What is 3 things voice should be?
What is -simple -relaxed -natural
true or false? Generalities should never be used in reviews. If false what is the right answer?
What is false- details.
Cartoon editorials do what?
What is provide commentary on issues, bring light humor to a big issue (some aren't even funny), simple and one tone topic.
What did the alien and sedation acts of 1798 did what to journalist?
What is Punished them for being bold in their reportings