Nursing intervention for a child with RSV that has an elevated temperature, besides administering fever reducing medication
What is encourage fluid intake to prevent dehydration
Which of the following is a high fiber food that would help with constipation A. Bran muffin B. Eggs C. Tapioca pudding
What is a bran muffin
A parent calls into report his child has a rash on his trunk and limbs and looks like he has been slapped in the face. The nurse know this is a sign of what disease
What is Fifth disease
5 week old infant that was recasted for a radial fracture has been crying non stop for the last hour. What should the nurse do first
What is check the neurovascular status of the hand
Most appropriate nursing goal for a child hospitalized with leukemia and receiving high doses of steroids
What is minimize the risk of infection
True or False. A child being treated for strep throat will need to take oral penicillin for 10 days
What is true
When teaching parents about treatment of strep throat which of the following should be included A. The child won't run fever B. Avoid sharing drinks C. Wear a mask when caring for the child D. Practice good handwashing
What is avoid sharing drinks and practice good handwashing
True or False - Cow's milk is a poor source of Iron
What is true
A priority nursing diagnosis for a child admitted with a femur fracture
What is acute pain
A school-aged child diagnosed with leukemia screams when turned or moved. The most likely cause would be
What is bone involvement
The direction to pull the pinna when performing an Otoscopic exam on an infant is A. Up and forward B. Down and back C. Up and back D. Down and forward
What is down and back
When teaching parents about antibiotic administration it is important to include teaching how long to take the medication. What instruction would be important to give
What is teach parent to administer all of the prescribed medication
Most appropriate nursing diagnosis for a child with hemophilia A. Altered family processes r/t child with an acute illness B. Acute pain r/t bleeding into joints and tissues C. Impaired skin integrity r/t poor tissue perfusion
What is acute pain r/t bleeding into joints and tissues
incompatibility between the history given by a parent and the injury observed on the child should lead the nurse to
What is report suspected child abuse
When is a nurse required to notify child protection authorities
What is any suspicion of neglect or abuse is present
Which is the correct post op care for a child having a tonsillectomy A. Encourage turning, coughing, and deep breathing every 2 hours B. Offer liquids when awake and alert
What is offer liquids when awake and alert
Choose the appropriate meal for a child with celiac disease A. Spaghetti and meatballs B. Macaroni and cheese C. Roasted chicken
What is roasted chicken
A child has a rash that started out as reddened macules and then changed to clear vesicles with honey-colored exudate and extreme pruritus. Other kids at day care had the same rash about 2 weeks ago. The nurse should suspect
What is varicella (chicken pox)
Nursing diagnosis for a child with sickle cell anemia should include which of the following A. Acute pain r/t vasooclusion and tissue ischemia B. Altered family processed r/t child with an acute illness C. Activity intolerance r/t decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood
What is all the above
A toddler is in the terminal stages of cancer. Which is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for the child's family A. Altered coping r/t worry about acute disease process B. Interrupted family processes r/t child with acute condition C. Anticipatory grieving r/t impending loss of child
What is anticipatory grieving r/t impending loss of child
Post op interventions for a child following a tonsillectomy include A. Apply warm compressed to the throat B. Encourage gargling to decrease discomfort C. Observe for continuous swallowing
What is observe for continuous swallowing
A child diagnosis with celiac disease should be on what kind of diet
What is gluten-free
A child with hemophilia should use what when brushing his teach to prevent oral bleeding
What is a water irrigating device (water pic)
The five "P's" to assess a fracture are
What is Pain, Pallor, Paresthesia, Pulselessness, Paralysis
Reason why you would administer measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) to a child with leukemia A. A child diagnosed with leukemia should never receive the MMR vaccine B. The attenuated virus can cause overwhelming infection when immunocompromised
What is the attenuated virus can cause overwhelming infection when immunocompromised