Mane Six
Princess of Friendship. Former student of Princess Celestia. Loves books and used to be a Unicorn. Special talent is Magic. Lives in a castle in Ponyville. Soon-to-be aunt.
Who is Twilight Sparkle?
Where Twilight Sparkle was born and lived before moving to Ponyville. Is known for its glamour and sophistication.
What is Canterlot?
Was a jerk to Rarity during the season 1 finale. Is the nephew of Princess Celestia.
Who is Prince Blueblood?
Was the first Main antagonist in FiM. Planned to plunge Equestria into an eternal night. Reason for the Tantabus's creation. Who Nightmare Night was based around.
Who is Nightmare Moon?
Rarity's little sister. Is known for her singing talent. Helped Diamon Tiara Troubled Shoes know the true meaning of their cutie marks. Was afraid of Rarity outshining her.
Who is Sweetie Belle?
Was the first of the Mane Six to give Discord a chance. Is known as being shy and timid. Loves all animals (except dragons; which she fears). Takes care of the animals living near her cottage.
Who is Fluttershy?
Where Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six live. One of the main locations on the show. Place where a lot of disasters take place.
What is Ponyville?
Has control over the sun and had control over the moon at one point. Is over 1000 years old. One of the four rulers of Equestria.
Who is Princess Celestia?
The second main villain. Known as the spirit of choas and disharmony. Is now reformed but betrayed the Mane Six during the season 4 finale. Had a small bout of jealousy during the Grand Galloping Gala this last season.
Who is Discord?
Was taken under Rainbow Dash's wing. Admired Rainbow Dash a lot and hoped to be a lot like her. Has been called "chicken". As helped Diamond Tiara and Troubled Shoes with their cutie mark crises.
Who is Scootaloo?
Is known as the pink party pony. Loves to make ponies smile and loves to throw parties. Is the polar opposite of Fluttershy and voiced by the same VA.
Who is Pinkie Pie?
The first location that the cutie mark map sends the Mane Six to. Its philosophy is that everypony should be equal.
What is Our Town/Starlight Glimmer's village?
Is Princess Celestia's little Sister. Turned into Nightmare Moon because of her jealousy. Has been helping the CMC with their nightmares. Controls the moon and the night sky.
Who is Princess Luna?
The third major villain in FiM. Disguises herself as Princess Cadance to feed in Shining Armor's love. Is the queen of a Changeling swarm. Can change her appearance.
Who is Queen Chrysalis?
Applejack's little sister. Has been shown as having a talent to repair objects and had been making potions with Twilight during Twilight Time. Is shown as the Crusader with the most focus on gaining their Cutie Marks. Gained her cutie mark this last season.
Who is Apple Bloom?
Is the Element of Honesty. Lives on Sweet Apple Acres with her Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom. Prefers Ponyville to the big city.
Who is Applejack?
Has closed off its borders to Equestria for "hundreds of moons". Featured in the episode "Party Pooped" where delegates were sent to Ponyville. Almost declares war on Equestria.
What is Yakyakistan?
Twilight's sister-in-law. First appears in "A Canterlot Wedding" as the fiancé of Twilight's big Brother, Shining Armor. Helps Twilight relax a bit. Is a soon-to-be mother.
Who is Princess Cadence?
The fourth major villain of FiM. A remake of a G1 villain with a backstory. Drains ponies of their magic and gets stronger as he does so. Part of the season 4 finale.
Who is Tirek?
Lives in Manehatten. A cousin of Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Applejack. Initially was a bully to the CMC and joined Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's side. Joined the CMC's side and became an official CMC at the end of the episode. Cutie mark is a pair of scissors.
Who is Babs Seed?
Has a big ego. One of her goals is to be an official member of the Wonderbolts. Member of the Wonderbolts reserves. Member of the Weather Patrol. Had her first solo song this past season. Has a pet tortoise named Tank. Only pony to pull off a Sonic Rainboom. First Sonic Rainboom resulted in all of the Mane Six getting their cutie marks.
Who is Rainbow Dash?
Shown in " The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone" as a very decrepit city. Home to a bunch of griffons. Fell because of the loss of the Idol of Boreas.
What is Griffonstone?
Twilight's big brother. Captain of the Royal Guard. Soon-to-be father. Shown as the damsel in distress multiple times since his first appearance in "A Canterlot Wedding".
Who is Shining Armor?
The fifth major villain in FiM. Is a regular unicorn who manipulates an entire town into believing that it's better to be equal and not have cutie marks. Goes back in time in order to stop the Sonic Rainboom from happening during the season finale. Only villain to be in both the season premeire and season finale.
Who is Starlight Glimmer?
Bullied the CMC since her first appearance in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles". Had been the Pony Class President and was supposed to win another year. Best friend is Silver Spoon. Decided to help Pip in the end and became a friend of the CMC
Who is Diamond Tiara?