Literary Devices
In paragraph 3, the idiom “a scorcher” means a very A hard day. B bad day. C fast day. D hot day.
What is hot day?
This literary device compares two things not using like or as? a. simile b. idiom c. metaphor d. symbolism
What is What is metaphor?
In paragraph 5, it is reasonable to conclude that Bobby will A catch a big fish. B spend next summer at home. C enjoy his time in the country. D feel jealous of his friends at the pool.
What is enjoys his time in the country?
Michael was the star quarterback of the football team and he was dating Amanda Barnes, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Everything was going perfectly for them until Michael was seriously injured during one of the last games of the season. The doctors told him that he would probably never play football again and that he would have to wear a large cast on his leg for several months. Amanda stayed really close with Michael immediately after the injury, but then she started to change. She would not visit him often. She would not wait by his locker or help him carry his books to class anymore. Also, he noticed that she was talking more and more with Ken Madsen, the new quarterback. This upset Michael greatly. Then one day Amanda told him that she and Michael needed to have a talk after school. Michael did not like the sound of that.What does Amanda want to talk to Amanda about?
What is Amanda wants to break up with Michael?
Which word best describes how Bobby felt at the end of the passage? A ashamed B envious C content D calm
What is content?
Use the relationship expressed in paragraph 2 to complete the analogy. Cricket is to insects as.. A sun is to morning. B porch is to house. C hum is to sound. D mist is to creek.
What is hum is to sound
In paragraph 2, the metaphor “orchestra of sounds” refers to A the creaks of the house. B the noises made by insects. C the mist covering the fields. D the sun rising over the horizon.
What is the noises made by insects?
When summarizing the passage, which statement would be least important to include? A He woke up to see a big spider on his ceiling. B Bobby was not looking forward to his summer. C He and his grandfather enjoyed fishing together. D Bobby felt he had met his grandfather for the first time.
What is He woke up to see a big spider on his ceiling?
Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. "9:48," she shouted, "Holy cow!" Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door. What problem is Cassie having?
What is she is late for school?
Which sentence best represents the theme of the passage? A Summers should be spent with friends at the pool. B Summer in the country can be interesting and rewarding. C Summer visits with grandparents are usually boring. D Summers in the country mean hard work and little excitement.
What is summer in the country can be interesting and rewarding?
How can the reader tell that “Summer Time” is a short story and not an essay? A The passage has a plot. B The passage has a main idea. C The passage has a conclusion. D The passage has supporting details.
What is the passage has a plot?
Which phrase from the passage is a metaphor? A A gentle mist was a blanket rising from the little creek . . . B He was a gruff man and lived alone . . . C They sat in companionable silence . . . D And he smiled into the water . . .
What is A gentle mist was a blanket rising from the little creek..
Why was Bobby dreading the summer? A He did not like insects. B He had never fished before. C He thought he would not have fun. D He would not be able to listen to music.
What is he thought he would not have fun?
Miya came out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. She ran down to the cafeteria and asked the staff if they had any rice. Fortunately for Miya, Ms. Lucille did. Ms. Lucille filled a red plastic cup about half way with white rice grains and handed it to Miya. Miya pulled a damp phone from out of her back pocket and pushed it into the dry rice grains inside of the plastic cup. She sincerely thanked Ms. Lucille and then went back to class. She felt relieved, but she was still a little worried. Why is Miya upset at the beginning of the passage?
What is she has gotten her phone wet, probably in the toilet or sink?
Which sentence from the passage is an example of indirect characterization? A Bobby stared out the window as the bus bounced down the bumpy dirt road. B He groaned, dragged himself out of bed, and trudged to the back porch. C Bobby was surprised to hear his grandfather noticing the beauty of the morning. D He was a gruff man and lived alone out on the farm
What is be groaned, dragged himself out of bed, and trudged to the back porch?
“Summer Time” is not an autobiography because A it tells a story. B it is written in third person. C it contains figurative language. D it uses conversational dialogue.
What is it is written in third person?
John said when Jason's was singing sounded like a injured bird crying for help. What literary device is this? a. metaphor b. hyperbole c. onomatopeia d. simile
What is a simile because it uses like and compares two things (Jason's singing to an injured bird)?
Which best shows that Bobby’s grandfather enjoyed life? A He invited Bobby to come to the farm. B He showed Bobby how to bait his line. C He continued working hard on the farm. D He whistled while working in his garden.
What is he whistled while working in his garden?
Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully and wearing all black. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out a name: "Oh... John..." And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened up the message and read the few bare words, "I need to get my jacket back from you." Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing. What relationship do Anastasia and John have?
What is they are boyfriend and girlfriend?
Which sentence foreshadows the resolution of the passage? A Summer was here and that meant a two-month stay in the country, to live with his grandfather, helping him on his farm. B His grandfather sat down on a boulder and showed Bobby how to bait his line. C They sat in companionable silence, with Bobby feeling as though he had met his grandfather for the first time. D His grandfather obviously loved his life in the country.
What is they sat in companionable silence, with Bobby feeling as though he had met his grandfather for the first time?
The question at the end of paragraph 1 is important because it presents the A climax of the story. B conflict of the story. C characters of the story. D conclusion of the story.
What is conflict of the story?
The bare branches beat together like bones. What literary device is used in the above sentence? a. onomatopoeia b. metaphor c. idiom d. alliteration
What is alliteration?
The climax of “Summer Time” occurs A when Bobby is fishing with his grandfather. B when Bobby arrives at his grandfather’s farm. C when Bobby works with his grandfather in the garden. D when Bobby hears his grandfather comment on the morning.
What is when Bobby is fishing with his grandpa?
Otto stuffed the candy bar in his mouth. He lay sprawled on the floor with his back against his bed. He was surrounded by candy wrappers. His shirt was caught above his belly button and he had melted chocolate all over his face and hands. "Ugh!" he groaned weakly as he struggled to finish chewing. Suddenly, the front door opened. "Otto, I'm home!" It was his mom. Otto rolled almost gracefully from his sprawled position and began kicking the candy wrappers under his bed. As she walked slowly up the stairs to his room, he managed to get the wrappers under the bed and threw a blanket over them. She opened the door, took one look at his face, and knew. Why does Otto act the way that he does after his mom comes home?
What is he was doing something wrong; violating a rule.
Brenda reached for the box of tissue. She blew her nose with a thunderous force and then tried breathing through it again. It was still clogged. She stood up and got a head rush that almost knocked her back down to the bed, but she regained her balance. As she tottered over to the phone on her dresser, all of her muscles ached. She located the contact labeled "Work" and pressed send. A couple of rings later, a familiar voice answered the phone, "Happy Fun Land, this is Deidra speaking. How can I help you have a happy fun day?" Brenda moaned, "Oh, Deidra, it's Brenda." Deidra responded with pep, "Hey, Brenda! I can't wait to see you this afternoon." Brenda grunted and replied, "Yeah, well, actually, I need to talk to the manager." Why is Brenda moving so slowly?
What is Brenda is sick?