Face Facts
Cause and Effect
Silent Reading
Comprehension Strategies
Why did Ekman travel to New Guinea?
to see if facial expressions are the same across cultures
What are the cause signal words
Because, if, when,
A problem and solution article should include___.
An explanation of why the solution is good.
qualified and capable
What is competent?
Describe how the hashtag strategy is used.
you create a hashtag about each paragraph. A hashtag should be one word or more about what the paragraph is about.
Which statement from the article describes a cause and effect relationship?
If you force your face to look sad or angry, the rest of your body will react as well.
What are the effect signal words
therefore, as a result, for this reason, so,
Give an example of a problem and solution writing. What would someone write about?
Answers may vary.
What is emulate?
What is mimicking or copying?
Describe read and say something How does this help comprehension?
read and say something is when your partner reads and then the partner who is listening says something about what they just read. This helps comprehension because you have to listen and then explain what you read
Ekman found that facial expressions are similar around the world. What was an effect of his discovery?
He became an adviser for the federal government
Create a cause and effect sentence non related to the text.
Because I fell asleep, I missed the bus. I felt sad, therefore I cried.
A friend sits with her arms crossed during the school council meeting. According to the article, what would be a good solution for her?
To hold something in her hand and open up her body.
what is hard to notice?
What is subtle?
Describe reciprocal teaching
One person reads. One person summarizes. One person asks a question. One person answers the question.
Read the sentence and answer the question. "Chances are you're not very good at faking a smile" Why is this true?
Smiling is a very complicated process and some muscles we do not control.
Create a cause and effect sentence using "Face Facts"
because I cannot control my orbicularis oculi, I cannot fake a smile
What do the authors mean by "mind reading?"
interpreting body language
Use vary in a sentence correctly.
Our opinions vary because we all have different views about who should be president.
Explain the Ask and Answer question strategy How does this help comprehension?
You read, create a question, read more, then find the answer. This helps comprehension because you are focused on finding meaning.
When Ekman trains people, he tries to improve their ability to__________.
Create a cause and effect sentence using "Silent Listening"
Because I cannot mind read, I have to be more aware of how I use gestures. I cross my arms, therefore I look mad to most people.
What is the author's main message to the reader?
Attention to body language can improve communication skills.
Create a sentence using these two vocabulary words. They must be used correctly in the sentence. Emphasis and precision.
I told my friends that I would throw the dart with such precision, but my emphasis on the matter made me miss.
Explain how you make inferences.
You make inferences by taking what you know, and the clues in the text, to make a prediction.