The Last Grizzly Bear of Paradise Valley
A permeable layer of soil within the zone of saturation that can become at least partially saturated.
What is Aquifer
A glacier is divided into these two zones divided by an equilibrium line.
What is zone of accumulation, zone of ablation
Runoff is the movement of water over the surface. Under what two conditions does this normally occur?
infiltration rate is exceeded during a precipitation event and/or when the surface is impermeable
What language was the movie “Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change” spoken in?
What is Inuktitut
How many grizzly bears were reportedly remaining according to the movie?
What are 12
This landform is found in many different landscapes and can be created by many different processes including glaciers, rifting and volcanic activity.
What is lake, a body of water that is completely surrounded by land
Sediment transport in rivers can be classified by source or mode of transport. What are the two source locations?
What is Hillslopes and within channel
This type of mass movement involves a large amount of material moving along a shear plane.
What is slide, either translational along a flat plane or rotational along a curved plane
Name two ways scientists have impacted polar bears.
What is Collars/tagging makes bear less afraid of humans and malnourished, helicopters cause hearing loss
What ecosystem service do black bears provide that is beneficial for biodiversity and ecosystems?
What is seed dispersal
A sedimentary deposit extending beyond the mouth of a river where it enters a sea or lake.
What is Delta
To be considered a cave it must contain three features. An entrance, chambers (rooms), terminations and________?
What are passages, form a network which depends on lithology, structure, faulting and jointing of the bedrock
Running water is the most effective erosive agent on the landscape. What is the name given to this type of mechanical/physical erosion?
What is hydraulic action
What was the magnitude of the earthquake that caused the tsunami in Japan on3/11?
What is 9.0
Why does agriculture cause a conflict with wildlife?
What is Land conversion and elimination of predators
These karst features are classified as either solution or collapse depending on how they were formed.
What is dolines, surface depressions in karst environments
Loess can be defined based on its source area. What are the two kinds of loess and where do they come from?
What is Hot loess from deserts and cold loess from periglacial environments
Water moving through the atmosphere dissolves this atmospheric gas to create a weak acid that is effective at dissolving calcium carbonate.
What is Carbon dioxide
Which two nutrients are most responsible for algal blooms in Lake Winnipeg?
What is Nitrogen and Phosphorus
What is the name of the beetle that is killing off large amounts of evergreen trees?
What is the Mountain Pine Beetle
An amphitheatre-like depression carved out by a glacier that is filled with water.
What is tarn, or a lake in a cirque
When waves of oscillation reach the shore and begin to ‘feel’ the bottom of the ocean (shoaling), they become this type of wave
What is waves of translation
This slow movement of saturated material downslope is a form of soil creep.
What is Soliflucation
Give two examples of how damming the north end of LWPG has been negative.
What is traps nutrients, stabilizes water, north shore erosion
What is a new threat to previously pristine sites in the mountains?
What is Increasing roads and access ways mostly through forestry industry