Cold War
Great Depression
World War I
Historical Current Events (2000's)
World War II
A political system that believes in having equal pay for everyone and assigned jobs.
What is Communism
This is the lasting years of the Great Depression...
What is 1929-1939?
Warfare that required sitting in trenches and shooting from them.
What is trench warfare?
This terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.
What is Al Queda
The alliance ........ consisted of the countries ......... And the alliance made by the enemies of America called .........consisted of these countries.......
What is the Axis Powers, Usa, USSR, France, great Britain,... Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, Japan,
What countries were considered communists in the Cold War?
China, North Korea, USSR, Vietnam
These events led to the Great Depression...
What is the stock market crash, bank crashes, America goes into debt, and a drought.
This event is the biggest "spark" of the First World War.
What is the assassination of Arch Duke Fernidad?
This man is the leader of the terrorist organization who claimed responsibility for the attack of 9/11.
Who is Osama Bin Laden?
This event brought the U.S. into the war...
What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?
The Cold War consisted of these wars...
What were the Vietnam War, Pacific War, and Korean War?
These were radio aired conversations led by ______ and he/she talked about what he/she was going to do to recover from the Great Depression and these chats were called_____
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt, and what were the Fireside Chats?
These mechanical weaponry advances allowed a better foothold in WWI.
What were machine guns, tanks and air crafts?
This man was the republic candidate for presidency of 2000, and This man was the democrat candidate for presidency of 2000. This is who won the election...
George W. Bush=republican Al Gore=democrat
This man simply told the public that recovery from the Depression is just around the corner and was not popular in the eyes of the American public.
Who was Herbert Hoover?
This man was the president that oversaw the end of the first world war.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
These are small "villages" that consisted of homeless people that couldn't afford homes, so they created small "towns of cardboard"
What are Hoover Towns?
What caused the end of World War One?
Germany signed an official surrender document called the Treaty of Versailles