Figurative & Sensory Language
Author's Purpose & Organization
Inferences & Theme
Point of View
Drama & Poetry
This is language that is used to stimulate the 5 senses.
What is "Sensory Language".
This is the reason that the author writes a story/text.
What is "Author's Purpose" (P.I.E.)
These can be found in all types of writing and are considered "life lessons"of the text.
What is "Theme".
The definition of Point-of-View is....
What is "who is telling the story", "the perspective that the story is being told from".
This is a story that is acted out with actors.
What is "Drama".
"She is as bright as the sun" is an example of a _______ which is an form of _________ language.
What is "Simile" and "Figurative".
This is HOW the author organizes/structures the text.
What is "Author's Organization"
Using what you know to understand what is currently going on in the story/text.
What is "Inferencing" or "Making Inferences".
So you want to learn good: first, you need to come to class. Second, you need to listen to your teachers. Third, DO YOUR WORK!!!
What is Second Person Point-of-View
This is the name for the "paragraphs" in a poem.
What are "stanzas".
"The birds go chirp, chirp" is an example of ________. "Sally sells seashells down by the seashore" is an example of ________.
What is "Onomatopoeia" and "Alliteration".
A book of jokes is meant to _________ readers.
What is "Entertain"
This is the theme of "Gertrude Grew Great", the extremely average girl.
What is "be your best", "aim for success", or "the choices you make today affect your future".
“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat
What is First Person Point-of-View
This is the hero or "good guy" in a play.
What is "the Protagonist".
This creates pictures in your mind.
What is "Imagery".
This organization/structure takes 2 things to look at their similarities and differences.
What is "Compare and Contrast".
Jennifer hears her mailbox close and her dog is barking. You can infer that...
What is "the mailman is there/delivering mail".
This Point-of-View is when the reader is given only what one character thinks and feels because everything is seen through that character's eyes as he/she tells the story.
What is 3rd Person Limited
The author of a play is known as...
What is "a Playwright".
"The air was thick, humid and coaxed beads of sweat from my forehead. The water was serene and a deep blue. It beckoned me to dive in." This is an example of ________.
What is "Sensory Language".
An article detailing the rise of car accidents caused by texting while driving, then states that the best solution is to avoid texting while driving. This is also an example of a text written to ___________ it's readers.
What is "Problem Solution" and "Persuade".
"Achoo!" Patti sneezed. She sneezed again and then a third time. She felt very warm and her head hurt. She dragged herself out of bed and called her boss. She told her boss she wouldn't be going to work. The reason that Patti is not going to work is...
What is "Patti is sick"
"A small but noteworthy note. I've seen so many young men over the years who think they're running at other young men. They are not. They are running at me." -Death, The Book Thief
What is 1st AND 3rd Person Omniscient
The beginning of the story which introduces the setting and characters is called ________. The "big event" that is the turning point of the story is known as ________.
What is "Exposition" and "Climax".