signs and symptoms
special test
muscle test
massage techniques
client nable to squat, walk downstairs or runbackwards
What is knee sprain grade 2 or 3
patient supine, examiner stabelizes the talus and applies a medial to lateral force to the calcaneus
What is subtalar glide test
client is supine with legs straight, ankle plantar flexed . Your force is towards dorsiflexion and you stabelize proximal ankle
What is gastocnemius
This technique is used to spread the oil, introduce touch and palpate temperature muscle tone texture and tenderness
What is effleurage
snapping sounds, joint gives way , pain is moderate at rest and with activities that stress ligaments , slight instability, pain limites normal activity and you notice moderate local edema head and bruising on latter ankle
What is grade 2 inversion sprain of ankle
patient is standing examiner palpates patella and instructs the patient to perform several slow knee bends
What is waldrons test
patient is prone with knee flexed 90 and hip fully flexed. Your force is towards flexion (down to table) you stabelize on PSIS opposite side
What is glute max
these are rhythmic percussive techniqurs used to stimulate nervous system firing or release mucus
What is tapotment
loss of intrinsic foor muscles with a nerve lesion resulting in claw toe, edema in the sole of foot and toe, causalgia may occur and there may be sensory loss in heel of foot.
What is sciatica
patient is supine with legs straight, examiner applies downward pressure over the patella with palmar surface of their hand and observes patient for signs on pain or discomfort, if no pain RMT will move patella side to side
What is fouchets test
supine, sidelying, hip flexed 45 - 60 , hip Abducted 30 and internally rotated Your force is diagonal toward opposite ankle and stabelize opposite ankle
What is tfl
this is by far the easiest technique to apply to increase your clients odds of being able to relax
What is DDB
unilateral pain, paresthesia, numbness in posterior thigh, weakness with ABDuction and flexion and internal rotation of the hip and pain decreases with external rotation of hip
What is piriformis syndroms
patient supine or sidelying, with hip flexed at 90 and knee at 90 examiner stabelizes patients knee over distal quads, grips patient heel with the other hand and applies long axis compression, examiner then rotates the tibia internally while applying a varus force then valgus force
What is mcmurrays test
patient seated or supine, knee flexed 30-40, tibia internally rotated FORce towards knee flexion and stabilize posterior knee
What is vast latt
this type of petrissage is used to realign muscle fibres
What is muscle stripping
deep knee pain, pain going down stairs, crepitis and swelling, disuse atrophyin quads, peripatella and subpatellar pain, movie theatre sign , walking down stairs, running down hill or squatting
What is patella femoral syndrome
examiner performes SLR then lowers the patients lef to the point just before the exacerbation of symptoms, then internally rotates and adducts the patients hip
What is bonnets test
patient seated or supine, knee flexed 10-20 tibia externally rotated force toward knee flexion stabelize posterior knee
What is vastus medialis
this technique is used to reduce scar tissue and you must discuss pain scales with clients before you apply
What is XFF