Differentiating Instruction
It improves the educational system for all learners by placing them together in general education classrooms- regardless of their learning ability, race, linguistic ability, economic status, gender; learning style, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, family structure, and sexual orientation.
What is effective inclusion?
Professionals and family members, along with the student, who make important decisions concerning the education of that student.
What is a comprehensive planning team?
When both the general education teacher and the special education teacher can teach the same material at the same time to two equal groups of students.
What is parallel teaching?
Steps include: (a) environmental assessment (b) intervention and preparation (c) generalization to the new setting (d) evaluation in the new environment
What are the four steps in the transenvironmental programming model?
A process for planning units of instruction and individual lessons by which you first determine the assessments you will use to evaluate your students' learning.
What is backward design?
It requires schools to educate students with disabilities as much as possible with their peers who do not have disabilities.
What is least restrictive environment (LRE)?
A written, individualized education plan listing the special education and related services students with disabilities will receive to address their unique academic, social, behavioral, communication, function, and physical strengths and challenges.
What is an IEP?
The extent to which members of one culture adapt to a new culture.
What is acculturation?
Used to prepare students for the academic, behavioral, and social expectations of the inclusive setting.
What is preteaching?
When students are given lessons in the same curricular areas as their peers but at varying levels of difficulty.
What is multilevel teaching?
Any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of an individual with a disability.
What is assistive technology?
Includes disability categories such as learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, mild emotional/behavioral disorders, and speech/language impairments.
What are high-incidence disabilities?
It guides the comprehensive planning team in solving problems; coordinating a full range of services available to students, families, educators, and schools; and sharing the responsibility for implementing inclusion.
What is a wraparound process?
Teaches students ways to effectively and efficiently organize, remember, and retrieve important content, solve problems, and complete tasks independently.
What is learning strategy instruction?
The breaking down of comments and concepts that students do not understand or a task that students have difficulty performing into smaller components that promote understanding or mastery.
What is scaffolding?
a multitiered process whereby only students who do not respond to a series of more intensive research-based interventions would be identified as having a learning disability.
What is Response-to-Intervention (RTI)?
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language, which may appear as an impaired ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations
What is the federal definition of a specific learning disability?
They build on students' existing language skills and experiences to enhance their learning of English?
What are ESL Teachers?
This is taught by giving students techniques for understanding the important vocabulary and concepts that guide instruction in inclusive settings
What is cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)?
In these arrangements, students work with their peers to achieve a shared academic goal rather than competing against or working separately from their classmates.
What are cooperative learning arrangements?
Refers to students choosing not to use technology?
What is abandonment?
An approach educators use that focuses on what students can do, using these strengths to create a learning environment that supports their integration, participation, and growth, and maximizes their abilities.
What is a competency oriented approach?
A Planning strategy where team members, including students with disabilities, their families, and peers, meet to develop an inclusion plan by answering questions like " what is a map?" "What is [the student's name] history?"
What is the Map Action Planning System (MAPS)?
A type of inclusive community-based learning program where all students perform and reflect on experiential activities that foster their learning and benefit the community.
What is service learning?
This improves students' vocabulary through modeling, repeated practices, and movement.
What is total physical response (TPR)?