Key Terms
Nurse Leader Actions
Applying simplistic labels to employees based on behavior, such as "know-it-all" or "grouch"
What is labeling?
Persistent or markedly depressed staff member who fluctuates between extremes such as sorrow, sullenness, and irritability.
What are moody people?
These employees are out of control but maintain quiet stretches between attacks. They can become physical, violent, angry and completely out of control. Have a tremendous need for respect and learned early in life that if they didn't get what they want, a tantrum would suffice.
What is an exploder?
Blow this employees cover. Don't ignore their remarks, bypass politeness and be direct. Don't laugh, address their statements and ask for intent and relevancy of snide remarks. Tell them you enjoy a good joke, when everyone else is laughing.
What is a sniper?
Help this type of problem employee regain self-control, wait them out, respond as you would to a hysterical person. Listen carefully to what set them off and thei demands, call for a break if meltdown lasts too long and do NOT forgive their behavior.
What is an exploder?
A standard or minimally acceptable performer, often an employee who is seen as exhibiting a bad attitude, poor attitude or a generally negative attitude.
What is a difficult employee?
These employees' silence is often a result of fear or suppressed anger.
What is an uncooperative silent one?
This employee spreads misinformation that affects work or moral on the unit.
What is a gossip?
Nurse leaders can handle this type of problem employee by: Asking questions and listening with empathy. Don't be sympathetic as it may lead to martyr syndrome. If situation doesn't improve, select professional counseling.
What are moody people?
Tell this employee that their behavior affects communication on the unit as staff withholds information from them for fear of it being distorted. Don't encourage or listen to their messages. At times it's best to ignore this employee.
What is a gossip?
A competent, productive, often loyal employee who harbors a bleak outlook toward most things and people.
What is a negativist?
This employee bursts into tears, shouting, take offense at perceived put-downs, often use manipulation of their superiors and colleagues as a tool for getting what they want.
What is a super sensitive employee?
Sugar coated hostility. Pretend to be helpless while infuriating the coworkers and supervisors. Apologize superficially, give endless excuses, or clam up. Most likely will not change but can given coping strategies.
What is passive aggressive?
Respond to this type of employee by remaining respectful, knowing what you're talking about and present ideas tentatively using phrases such as "what would happen if..." or "I wonder whether...."
What is a know it all?
Handle with care, but do not be manipulated by their reactions. Never withhold negative feedback because of fear of overreaction or emotional outburst. Have tissue ready but do not give into their overreaction--if tension is too high, reschedule the meeting.
What is a super-sensitive employee?
Maintains control by accumulating a large body of knowledge whether real or assumed
What is a know it all?
This employee persists in finding reasons for opposing whatever is being proposed, even when outvoted or losing an argument.
What is a negativist?
This employee would like to be in control but lacks the necessary boldness. They are sarcastic, use snide remarks and sick humor. Use innuendos, not-so-subtle digs and not-really-kidding kidding. Often talk behind people's backs knowing it'll reach them. May say, "can't you take a joke?"
What is a sniper?
When coaching this problem employee, lean forward, use eye contact and raised eyebrows; counter silence with an expectant stare and silence for at least 10 seconds, continue to repeat the cycle. If no result, terminate the discussion and conduct the discussion at another time.
What is an uncooperative silent one?
These employees should be confronted for actions that may covertly decrease morale, isolate team members and foster animosity. Lay everything on the line and be firm: say you want it to stop. If behavior persists, let them know their behavior could affect continued employment.
What is a jealous coworker?
These employees repeat their broadcasts as long as they find listeners. Often go on disruptive tangents and become time wasters and productivity killers. Give them extra projects and roles to modify use of their time and encourage socialization during breaks.
What is an incessant talker and socializer?
Frustrated staff member seeking recognition that when provoked may undermine leadership by berating, becoming a bottleneck, starting unfounded rumors, and turning people against each other.
What is a jealous coworker?
Bully and dictator that often has power and is professionally or administratively competent--may be a charge nurse or other informal leadership role. They are aggressive, abrupt, and autocratic. They are generally contemptuous of their victims.
What is a Sherman Tank?
It is best to respond to this employee by avoiding acceptance of contrary outlooks, don't allow their resistive persuasion to be infectious to their peers, don't dismiss this employee--they could be right.
What is a negativist?
Stand up to this employee without fighting. Do not become defensive and do not try to counterattack Exhibit appropriate assertiveness and apologize for legitimate complaints. Focus on solving the problem that led to the discussion.
What is a Sherman Tank?