Nursing Care for the Cardiovascular Patient
Cardiovascular Disease
Patient Education
This cardiac enzyme level rises 3-4 hours following the onset of chest pain.
What is the Troponin?
When a femoral site is used to perform an angiocardiogram, what nursing intervention is required after the procedure?
What is checking pulses, color, and warmth of the extremity.
Occurs when the walls of the arteries thicken, harden, and lost elasticity.
What is arteriosclerosis?
Clients with angina should avoid this substance (found in cigarettes).
What is nicotine?
In clients with Rheumatic heart disease, a blood pressure below this (systolic) is severe and requires immediate attention.
What is 90 mm Hg?
An increase or decrease in potassium, sodium, and magnesium can lead to these.
What are cardiac dysrhythmias?
In a patient with an ICD (implantable cardioverter-defribrillator), what should the client do if the device shocks them?
What is lay down and call 911 or their physician?
The client presents with dyspnea, dizziness, and angina. An EKG shows dysrhythmias and upon assessment a mumur is heard. The client is suffering from what type of cardiomyopathy?
What is hypertropic?
Clients who have had venous stripping (for varicose veins) should avoid doing this for a lengthy amount of time.
What is sitting?
Avoid placing the patient in this position during the acute phase of a CVA.
What is lying on their back?
A client is scheduled to have a cerebral angiogram using radiopaque dye. What allergies should you check for prior to the procedure?
What is an allergy to shellfish or iodine?
Sinus bradycardia heart rate
What is less than 60?
Characterized by hardened, painful areas along the course of blood vessels
What is Buerger disease?
Clients who are susceptible to coronary artery disease (CAD) should avoid this type of food (besides foods high in cholesterol/fat)?
What is sugary foods?
In a CVA, when the affected side exhibits numbness and weakness, this is known as what stage of hemiplegia?
What is the flaccid stage?
An ultrasound of the heart. Can be used to diagnose CHF and determine the heart's ejection fraction.
What is an echocardiogram?
This type of client is the best candidate for a pacemaker.
What is a client with heart block?
In this disease fingertips develop cyanosis and potentially gangrene.
What is Raynaud's phenomenon?
Educate the client that they may feel this in their heart during a cardiac catheterization (as the catheter passes through the heart).
What is fluttering?
This medication slows cardiac conduction through the AV node, which decreases the heart rate, dilates peripheral arteries, and decreases peripheral vascular resistance.
What is nifedipine (Procardia)?
This procedure uses a balloon-tipped catheter to widen a narrowed artery.
What is Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty?
These symptoms are a sign of cardiac tamponade (choose) 1. Neck vein distention 5. Respiratory distress 2. Bradycardia 6. Fever 3. Muffled heart tones 4. Crackles
What are 1 and 3?
When administering heparin to a patient who has had a CVA, what is one complication the nurse needs to monitor for?
What is hemorrhage (bleeding)?
Ischemia of the heart that persists after administration of sublingual nitroglycerin are candidates for this type of therapy.
What is thrombolytic therapy?
Characterized by a preliminary assessment of CVA and gradual worsening of symptoms of brain ischemia.
What is stroke in evolution?