Calling the Shots
Show me the $$-
Help Me, Help You.
Field Tripping
Drugs Not Hugs
Nurse Pass: Good Reasons to see the School Nurse
This will be administered to all Non-PEEHIP students with a parental consent form on November 21-23, 2016. The CDC recommends against using the Mist form of this due to being found widely ineffective in children.
What is the Flu Vaccine (Injection ONLY)
Receipt books WITH money should be turned in.
What is Daily
This is the person who is responsible for securing a bus driver for a field trip.
Who is the teacher or teacher group responsible for the field trip.
If this common type of CONTROLLED prescription medication is brought to school and found on a student, that student can be arrested for possession of an illegal substance.
What are ADD and ADHD medications
Blunt force trauma to the head, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness
What is a Concussion
Without an updated one of these students CAN enroll and attend the 1st day of school but CANNOT return to school the following day. However, students enrolling from out of state or ESL, migrant, and homeless students will be allowed a 10 day grace period.
What is an Alabama Immunization Certificate or "blue card"
PRIOR to placing an order, you MUST have this.
What is a Purchase Order
The amount of time PRIOR to a scheduled field trip that you must make the nurse aware in writing including date, departure, and arrival time.
What is 2 Weeks
The Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Time, Right Route, Right Patient, Right Reason, and Right Documentation
What are the 7 Rights of Medication Administration
Difficulty breathing, Wheezing, Coughing, Stomachache or nausea, Sweating, Palor
What is an Asthma Attack
This medication is administered by a RN or LPN only in the school setting. It is given for students with seizure activity lasting more than 5 minutes. If a student is prescribed this medication a nurse MUST attend all field trips with the student.
What is Diastat
CIS money is requested to be spent by this date.
What is the end of August
When a completed field trip form should be submitted to the bookkeeper.
What is ONE month prior to the field trip date
Inhalers for Asthma, Epipens for Anaphylaxis, Diastat for seizures, Glucagon for Diabetics
What are Emergency Medications that must stay with the student on a field trip via the Unlicensed Medication Assistant, at ALL times
Actively regurgitating food and liquids, "blowing chunks," hurling or barfing. Upchucking.
What is Vomiting
Shakiness, Nervousness or anxiety. Sweating, chills and clamminess. Irritability or impatience. Confusion, Rapid/fast heartbeat, Dizziness, or Nausea.
What are Signs and Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
Gifts of any description, Individual membership dues, Food, or Trophies or Plaques
What are things you CANNOT spend CIS money on
This is person or persons that you must give a copy of the student's permission form to.
Who is Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. K
Lacerations, Puncture wounds, or Crushing injuries that cannot be cared for with soap and water, and a band-aid. Wounds that require applying pressure and or ice, and need to be cleaned thoroughly by a professional.
What is Traumatic Bleeding
One of the most successful public health initiatives. Each year, these avert an estimated 2-3 million deaths from life-threatening diseases that affect children, such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and measles.
What are Immunizations
Complete Date, Journal Number, Account Number, Detailed Description (For what)
What are items on a correctly done student receipt
The Last Day for Field Trips
What is April 28, 2017!!!
Hives, Difficulty breathing or swallowing, Wheezing, Sneezing, Itching, Watery eyes, Vomiting, Loss of consciousness
What is Severe Allergic Reaction