Skilled Learning
Mature Learning
Empathetic Learning
Non Ego Based Learning
Other class Q's
A skilled leaner is unclear about the inferences they are making but still take guesses anyway... True or False?
False: They are clear about the inferences they make, and also the assumptions that underlie belief.
Why do you believe in the political views you have?
Answers may vary
Define Empathy.
It is the ability to put ones own self into another persons situation.
"My friends like cheesecake because I like it." Is this ego-based?
All you need to be a skilled learner is an "open mind". True/False, why?
False. You need to know what SKILLS to use once your mind is open (like, identifying assumptions and inference— how one belief connects to others, etc.)
When presented with new evidence, you might be willing to change _________? (what is the term?)
Why is understanding someone elses views considered empathy and necessary for learning?
Putting yourself in their situation makes it clearer as what the issue is.
Non-ego based learners can point out when they are being egotistical. True or false?
True. Non-ego based learners can admit when they are being wrong or ignorant in a situation.
Chad had too many "drinks" before he had to drive home one night and still decided to drive. Is Chad demonstrating a skilled learner? If no why not?
No, Chad was not being aware of how his actions affect others and himself. For instance, he did not think about the facts that show decision and motor impairment while intoxicated.
The most important attitude that can help one become a mature learner might be what?
Is empathy a naturally occurring trait? (genetic) Why or why not?
Yes it is. Humans have it, and so do other species. Why? Examples?
How does the ego (our ego) affect the way we learn?
Based on how we were taught/other people around us, we can either see that we're not all the same or if we are. Non-ego based learners can understand that people have different beliefs.
John Doe decided to think outside the box.. Is he a skilled leaner?
Yes, He is willing to try new and challenging things— so long as he has those mad critical thinking skills.
"I don't know, I just do" is something a mature learner would say. T/F, Explain
False because a mature learner always want to know why.
How does empathy benefit you as a learner?
It betters your own understanding on a more personal level
Is home schooling ego-based? Yes, no, explain.
It can be both. A child learning just from one person can develop only one opinion about things based on how they were taught, but then again how are they supposed to learn any other way when they have no choice?
Should you consider a number of factors when choosing a course... True or False.. explain.
Probably true— depends on how you answered and interrupted the question— what do you think?
Why are you here?!!!?!??!
Because you want to be.
How is empathy different than sympathy?
Empathy is putting you into someones shoes, while sympathy is just understanding someones feelings without being in their shoes.
A prince can only marry his sister so he can keep his family/legacy going. Is this ego-based?
Yes and no. Again, the family is only learning from how they were brought up and people had a harder time developing their own sense of self back then, so someone can say they were brought up ego-based. But then again, how are they supposed to know any different? It all depends!
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
is it African or European?