What is the sign the unbelievers said must happen by a certain date or they would put to death the believers?
a day and a night and a day with no darkness
A Lamanite who prophesied to the Nephites of the Birth and Death of Christ and told them to repent
Samuel the Lamanite
Said Samuel Within in five years a night will be as day, and _______ _______ will be _____ in a land ____ ____ ____.
baby, Jesus, born, far, far away
What did Samuel the Lamanite do after the people threw him out of their city?
returned and climbed their wall to preach the words the Lord would put into his heart
Brothers who saw an angel, heard the Lord's voice, were shocked, but ended up falling away
Laman & Lemuel
What is the sign that appeared both in Bethlehem and the Americas?
a star
keeper of the records that had been passed down since from Lehi. He also prayed for the believers when an execution date was set.
Who is Nephi
How could the father tell the world of love and tenderness? he sent his son, a ______ _____ with _____ and ______.
newborn, babe, peace, holiness
What did Satan do to try and stop the people from believing-after they had seen the signs?
He sent "lyings... forth among the people... to harden their hearts.... to the intent that they might not believe in those signs and wonders which they had seen"
After preaching among the people, contending with Jacob, he demanded a sign by the power of the Holy Ghost so he could know all those things were true. He was smitten with a sign and after telling the people he was wrong he died. (hint-name starts with S)
A sign of Christ's death-there would be no light for how long?
3 days
All prophets foretold of His Birth
Samuel the Lamanite, high on the city wall, came to ____ the people, ______ was his call. _____ could not hit him, for a man of ____ was he, and he taught in the land righteously.
warn, repentance, arrows, God
Who united to fight the Gadianton Robbers?
Lamanites & Nephites
Asked Alma for a sign he would be convinced there was a God and He (God) has power. He was struck dumb, cast out and had to beg for food, then he was run upon and trodden to death.
How many of the signs prophesied by the prophets were fulfilled? (Bonus 200 for wording used in the scriptures)
all of them-"every whit"
Who became so numerous they left their secret places in the mountains and came among the people with many murders and slayings?
Gadianton Robbers
Now we have a world where people are confused. If you don't believe it, go and watch the news. We can get _________ all along our way, if we heed the ______, ______what they say.
direction, prophets, follow
What did the more part of the people do after the signs of Christ's birth? (Hint: Nephi traveled around and helped them)
Repented and were baptized
Asked Joseph Smith repeatedly for the translated part of the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris
What would happen to the land?
earthquakes, destructive storms, mountains laid low, valleys raised up into mountains
What is the group of people that decided to put to death the believers unless the sign should come to pass, foretold by Samuel the Lamanite?
I wonder, when he comes again, Will herald angels sign? Will earth be white with drifted snow, or will the world know spring? I wonder if ____ ____ will shine far brighter than the rest; will ______ stay the whole night through?
one star, daylight
How will the prophecies of Jesus Christ's seconding coming be fulfilled?
3 Nephi 1:20 "And it came to pass, yea, all things, every whit, according to the words of the prophets"
10th Article of Faith
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.