2016 Olympics
Heroes and Sheroes
State Capitals
Leaders in the Bible
Phunny Phobias
What country hosted the 2016 Olympics?
A. France B. United States C. Brazil D. Japan E. Florida
Who was the wife of Abraham?
A. Abigail B. Delilah C. Elizabeth D. Sarah E. Mary
What is the capital of California?
A. Los Angeles B. San Jose C. San Diego D. San Francisco E. Sacramento
How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?
A. 20 Years Old B. 40 Years Old C. 70 Years Old D. 100 Years Old E. 120 Years Old
What is Philophobia?
A. Fear of falling in love B. Fear of constipation C. Fear of brothers D. Fear of sneezing E. Fear of your youth minister
How many medals were handed out at the 2016 Olympics?
A. 267 B. 306 C. 325 D. 334 E. 500
Who robbed his own brother's birth right?
A. Abraham B. Isaac C. Jacob D. Joseph E. Seth
Which state capital was once the capital for the country?
A. Richmond, VA B. Philadelphia, PA C. Albany, New York D. Dover, Delaware E. Atlanta, GA
How old was Moses when he died?
A. 70 B. 100 C. 120 D. 177 E. 620
What is Nomophoboia?
A. Fear of Garden Gnomes B. Fear of Rejection C. Fear of not having phone contact D. Fear of Pizza E. Fear of being alone in a vehicle
What sport made its first appearance in the Olympics in 112 years?
A. Archery B. Jousting C. Fencing D. Shooting E. Golf
Who is known to be the wisest man in the bible?
A. Paul B. David C. Joseph D. John E. Soloman
Which of these state capitals was a capital for the Confederacy during the Civil War?
A. Charleston, WV B. Richmond, VA C. Raleigh, NC D. Columbia, SC E. Atlanta, GA
Who was the first king of Isreal?
A. David B. Soloman C. Saul D. Pilot E. Joseph
What is Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
A. Fear of Hippopotamuses B. Fear of monsters C. Fear of Mexican food D. Fear of Dentists E. Fear of long words
What country entered its first Olympic games this year?
A. Gabon B. Bermuda C. Sudan D. South Sudan E. Honduras
Who worked 14 years to have her fathers blessing to marry Leah?
A. Isaac B. Joseph C. Seth D. Jacob E. David
How many state capitals are home to an NFL team?
A. 4 B. 8 C. 13 D. 16 E. 21
What King was tricked into throwing Daniel into the lions' den?
A. David B. Pilot C. Dariun D. Nebuchadnezzar E. Seth
What is Geniophobia?
A. Fear of Genies B. Fear of Chins C. Fear of Animation D. Fear of Ancestors E. Fear of Goats
Which sport awarded the least amount of medals this year?
A. Equestrian B. Taekwondo C. Tennis D. Running E. Archery
Who boldly approached the king saved her Jewish people?
A. Esther B. Joshua C. David D. Ruth E. Soloman
What is the capital of Alaska?
A. Anchorage B. Juneau C. Fairbanks D. Sitka E. Seward
Who was Saul's wife?
A. Ahinoam B. Ruth C. Hannah D. Niolam E. Joanne
What is Pogonophobia?
A. Fear of Beards B. Fear of Horses C. Fear of Pogo Sticks D. Fear of Haircuts E. Fear of Walking