Peer Pressure
Trustworthy Websites
Security is very important online. It can help you hide your private information. Which of these are not a form of security? a. Passwords b. Video Games c. Security Numbers d. Credit Card Numbers
The correct answer is b. Video games are a form of entertainment, and although they can be fun, you should always be careful with them.
Your friends tells you a way of hacking your parental controls on your computer that your parents installed. He says that if you don't hack it, he won't be your friend anymore. Which of the following is the right thing to do? a. Don't do it. b. Do it. He's your friend, and you don't want to lose him.
The correct answer is a. Don't get affected by friends. Always do the right thing.
You come upon a website that is really helpful. But, you don't want to re-word all that information. What should you do? a. Just copy it, nobody will know! b. Re-word it, it's against the law!
The correct answer is b. If you don't cite your sources, it is plagiarizing.
Which of these is a more trustworthy website? a. b.
The correct answer is b, because it says "edu," which means educational. "com" means commercial.
You come across an awesome website called Facebook. You want to sign up, but there is an extremely long Terms of Service. Which of the following is the best choice? a. Briefly skim through it, but don't read the whole thing. b. Don't read it, it's too long! c. Read through it carefully, better safe than sorry!
The correct answer is c. You should always read through a Terms of Service, there could be something that you need to know.
Which of these should you not post on a public chat? a. Does anyone know the homework for today? Call me here! (123)-456-789 b. How are you? c. Do you want to go out sometime?
The correct answer is a. You should never post private information in online chats such as phone numbers, home addressees, emails, passwords, credit card numbers, and other private information. You can never be sure if it is actually your friend.
If your friend asks for your personal information online, what should you do? a. Test your friend with a question that only he would know. b. Tell them c. Get out of there!
The correct answer is c. You should just get out of there, and also tell someone. Talking to them could just make it worse.
When do you have to cite your sources? a. When you are researching something. b. When you are talking to a friend.
The correct answer is a. You should always cite your sources when doing research for something that other people will see.
On which website would you find information about marine life? a. b. c.
The correct answer is a.