It's in the Acronym
Models of Bilingual Education
To know me is to love my theory!
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Languages Around the World
What is the acronym for English Language Learner
This is a subtractive way to learn language in which the student is taught with the mainstream student and given no special services.
What is immersion programs?
I developed the social development theory of learning. I stressed the "fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition" (_______, 1978).
Who is Vygotsky?
My method of teaching is presenting information for students to take in and apply.
What is direct instruction?
What is the number of distinct languages spoken around the world according to the Linguistic Society of America as of 2009.
What is the acronym for English language acquisition?
This is subtractive way to learn a language in which the student is given ESL support by way of basic vocabulary and language structure outside of the mainstream class.
What is pullout traditional instruction?
I derived the acculturation model. This model has two parts which must be considered during language acquisition: social and psychological distance between the learner group and the target language group.
Who is Schumann?
When I teach I provide examples, through actions or materials, on how I want students to do something.
What is modeling?
Countries on this continent have the highest percent of living languages? (2,322 languages or 33.6%)
What is Asia?
What is the acronym for English as a Second Language?
This is an additive way to learn language in which the student receives instruction in both the primary and secondary language for four to six years.
What is late exit or maintenance programs?
I make a distinction between two different types of language proficiency: SOCIAL (basic interpersonal communication skills) and ACADEMIC (cognitive Academic Language proficiency).
Who is Cummins?
My method of teaching is when I add support for students during instruction to enhance his or her learning. May be verbal, visual, or physical.
What is scaffolding?
This language is spoken in the most countries, 112.
What is English?
What is acronym for second language acquisition?
This is an additive way to learn language. Learners are taught content in a second language. The primary language is introduced in second grade or later for content instruction.
What is enriched immersion? (Example: French immersion in Canada)
I claim that humans have a "language acquisition device, a specialized area of the brain designed for language."
Who is Chomsky?
In order for learning to take place, the task must not be too easy to complete on one's own. In addition, it must not be too difficult to cause frustration or an unattainable task. It must be "JUST RIGHT."
What is the zone of proximal development or ZPD?
This language, or dialect of this language, is spoken by the most speakers. (1,213,000,000)
What is Chinese?
What is the acronym for English for speakers of other languages?
This is an additive way to learn language. ELL and native speakers are taught language and content in both English and the first language of the ELL.
What is bilingual dual-language education?
I derived the Monitor Model of second language acquisition with five interrelated hypothesis: 1) acquisition/learning, 2) natural order, 3) monitor, 4) input, and 5) affective filter.
Who is Krashen?
To "function effectively in a new language" a learner needs two types of competence. One allows the leaner to talk about the world by giving or getting information. The other allows the learner to "know(ing) what to say to whom, when, and in what circumstances" (p. 93).
What are communicative competence and grammatical competence?
This is the official language of Equatorial Guinea, Africa.
What is Spanish?