Societal Roles
Convent Spaces and Their Purpose
What Was Life Like in the Colonial Era?
Nuns who are native to Cuzco; insiders.
What is a Cuzquena?
Worn by nuns and donadas in Santa Clara to differentiate social hierarchy within the convent.
What is a veil?
Built to have tall walls, ornate finishes, and impressive features in order to instill a sense of intimidation in the people.
What is the convent?
Spanish religious officials were given land to control in 'New Spain' and were in charge of converting its inhabitants. Land was given to them by the Spanish crown as a reward for their hard work. This land was originally owned by Caraques, indigenous leaders, but was seized when Spain conquered the region.
What is an encomienda?
What lead to the death of almost 17 million Latin Americans during the Colonial Era?
What is the Spanish conquest?
Nun from a foreign Andean city who immigrated to Cuzco after their village was destroyed, outsider.
What is a forastera?
"Chaste, cloistered women were deal-makers, creating relationships with uncloistered folk through the conduit of credit."
What is the role of women in Andean society?
These rooms are private living quarters for nuns based on the amount of their dowry where the nun is able to run their servants brought with them or any children living in the church.
What are celdas?
By removing these mestiza daughters from their indigenous mothers, Spain sought to 'protect' them from the 'dangerous' indigenous society and raise them with Spanish influences as a form of social control.
What is the new society of New Spain?
What disease contributed to the deaths of indigenous peoples after the Spanish conquest?
What is smallpox?
An elected female leader of the convent.
What is an abbess?
Through the acquisition of land, forasteras built their convent at the site of a sacred Incan hill as a way of mixing Christianity with indigenous religious practices during the Spanish conquests.
What is the process of becoming an insider in Cuzco society?
This aspect of the convent allows for goods to be passed from the outside world into the convent; may include payments, goods, or children.
What is the torno?
The idea that cloistered women aided in the Christianization of the Andes through the creation of relationships with indigenous peoples.
What is spiritual economy?
What practice aided in the destruction of the indigenous record?
What is book burning?
Refers to the illegitimate daughter of a Spanish man and indigenous woman.
What is a mestiza?
Worn by novice nuns in the convent, once worn by mestizas as a form of segregation and social hierarchy in the convent.
What is a white veil?
This room denotes a talking space as a source of conversation between the nuns and outsiders seeking business arrangements.
What is the locutorio?
What allowed for the overhaul of indigenous ways of life in Latin America?
What is religious conversion?
What society managed to keep their place in society after the Spanish conquest?
What is the Inca?
The offspring of a Spanish man and woman who are born in 'New Spain'. While more powerful than illegitimate children of Spanish men and indigenous women, they are less powerful than those who were born in Spain.
What is a criollo?
What is it called if your daughter is a professed nun and that allows you to have a better chance of receiving favor over other people seeking prayers or business deals as she is able to vote in all decisions. A sacred vow she takes to profess her devotion to the church.
What is 'marrying' the convent?
This room differentiates "the secular world" from the convent; nuns are able to turn their backs to the outside world in order to protect themselves from worldly diseases.
What is el siglo?
What societal practice was alleviated when Spanish council members voted to abolish the practice of indigenous women being forced to wear white veils even after they professed their devotion?
What is class differentiation?
A city of prosperous growth due to mining, sugar and coffee production, and cloth making.
What is Cuzco?