TB or not to be
HIV for the primary care doc
It's Not Just Primary Hypertension
My Heart's Failing for You
Antibiotics - Were you at Dr. Bavaro's Lecture?
These screening tests should be done before initiating ethambutol.
What are visual acuity and color vision screening
This is the primary medicine used for PCP prophylaxis
What is Septra (TMP-SMX) 160mg daily or three times a week
A physical exam finding that strongly suggests renal artery stenosis
What is a renal bruit
Dietary lifestyle modification that should be recommended to all heart failure patients
What is restrict salt intake (generally less than 2000mg per day)
The preferred antibiotic for anaerobic coverage above the diaphragm
What is clindamycin
The length of treatment for uncomplicated, noncavitary pulmonary tuberculosis and for complicated, cavitary pulmonary TB or extrapulmonary TB
What is 6 months and 9 months
The CD4 count threshold in which HIV patients are at risk for toxoplasmosis
What is CD4 cell count <100/uL
Diagnosis that should be considered in an overweight patient with hypertension who snores at night
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Clinical physical exam findings that suggest decompensated heart failure (name two)
What are 1) elevated jugular venous pressure 2) bilateral lower extremity edema and 3) crackles in bilateral lung fields
An antibiotic available at 37 Military that has equal bioavailability in IV and oral form
What are: 1)Fluoroquinolones 2)Macrolides (Azithromycin) 3)Metronidazole 4)Fluconazole 5)Doxycycline
This supplement should be co-administered in all patients taking INH and prevents what?
What is Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) to prevent neuropathy
This syndrome may develop in the first few months after initiation of antiretroviral therapy, and should be managed with ___.
What is IRIS (Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome); supportive care
Expected electrolyte abnormalities that suggest primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn Syndrome) (name one)
What is 1) hypokalemia 2) metabolic alkalosis 3) hypernatremia
The cutoff in ejection fraction between systolic and diastolic heart failure
What is 40%
The time frame of treatment for community acquired pneumonia
What is 5-7 days
Expected CSF findings in TB meningitis?
What are: 1) Lymphocytic pleocytosis 2) Increased protein 3) Decreased glucose
This is a potential toxicity associated with tenofovir use
What is nephrotoxicity *BONUS - Name an adverse effect associated with nevirapine*
This class of pain medication can cause drug-induced hypertension
What is NSAIDs
A potential electrolyte abnormality associated with ACE inhibitors like Lisinopril
What is hyperkalemia
Class of antibiotics known for increased risk of long QT syndrome
What are fluoroquinolones
The time frame (after treatment) that a person infected with pulmonary TB is considered low risk for transmission
What is two weeks
Treatment for these two infections should be delayed before starting ARVs for how long? (name disease and time frame)
What is cryptococcal meningitis (5 weeks) and TB (2-6 weeks)
A physical exam finding that suggests Cushing Syndrome (name two)
What is 1) buffalo hump 2) central obesity 3) moon facies 4) striae
This class of antiarrhythmic agents has been shown to improve patient survival with congestive heart failure
What are Beta Blockers
The appropriate antibiotic class to treat a patient infected with ESBL organisms
What are Carbapenems (meropenem)