Anglo Saxon Period, 449-1066
Middle Ages, 1066-1485
Renaissance Period, 1485-1660
Restoration Age Period, 1660-1800
Romantic Age Period, 1800-1832
Passing down information from one generation to another, to keep the stories, and legends going and fresh in younger minds.
When was the 'Oral Tradition'
The turning point in English History (date) where William defeats Harold in the 'Battle of Hastings'
What/when was 1066
The 'rebirth' of the original Greek and Latin classical works, the 'rebirth' of architecture, painting and literature as well.
What was the 'Renaissance'
Installation of William and Mary(daughter of James 1st)to the throne without the shedding of blood. This was called?
What is, "The Bloodless revolution"
The Romantic Period has been coined the Age, or beginning of the_______ _________ (2 words)
What is the Ghost Story.
1st major anonymous 'epic' in English Literature where 'good verses evil' is portrayed, and the victor defeats the oppressive fiend of the people.
What is 'Beowulf'
He was the original author of the 'Canterbury Tales' who designed to write 120 tales, but only finished 60 before he died.
Who was Geoffrey Chaucer.
A king murdered by a treacherous friend, along with his psychotic wife. The friend usurping the crown and kingdom by devious, evil methods. (all for naught)
What is Macbeth by William Shakespeare
The use use of 'irony' strong wit and absurdity to convey a hidden message to the reader, or poking fun at something in a humorous way is called?
What is 'Satire'
The 'Mariner' is consigned to___________ his tale, or suffer the consequences of the___________.
What is 'retell' and 'curse'
A dark, syrupy ale that warriors enjoyed during festive times, and celebrations.
What is 'Meade'
Major war between England and France, 1337, and depicted in the novel Timeline be Michael Chriton.
What was the 'Hundred Years War'
Embracing the fields of philosophy, history, languages, and the arts.Writers looked to the original Latin and Greek classics as well.The term is called?
What is 'Humanism'
What happened to Charles the 1st. at Whitehall in London, January 30th, 1649?
What is 'beheaded'(For Treason, and offending his Protestant subjects for marrying a Catholic woman.)
Mary Shelley, along with her husband Percy, and_______ ________ agreed to construct a 'true ghost story' in the least amount of time. The product was the result of a ______, or _______.
Who was Lord Byron, and a bet, or dare
He was the individual that psyched up the warriors, troops before a battle, told stories of victors defending the motherland.
What is a 'Scop'
The 'Macrocosm' of the Middle Ages, it came, and went, waxed, and waned..
What was the 'Black Plague' or 'Bubonic Plague' (pestilence)
The most powerful entity in the Renaissance Period, life centered around it?
What was/is the Church.
He (Gulliver) was needed to serve as a 'combat machine' in this satirical story?
What is the "Voyage to Lilliput"
Where did the 'good spirit' that helped the Mariner get home hail/ originate from?
What is the Land of Mist, and Snow.
A special kind of human being that is related to the gods, an eternal archetype.
What is an 'Epic Hero'
The 2 word term used to describe clubs and organizations that housed professional workers/ members, who were usually men, and were sometimes secretive.
Guild Fraternities, like the masons, dyers, weavers, stone cutters among others
Giving homage to God first, King second, friend third, then your spouse. This was called?
What were the 'Steps of Loyalty'
There is a 'creator' who has designed/ created ALL THINGS, but, like a clock maker, sits back to watch his creation unwind.This religion of non interference is called?
What is deism.
One of the finest land locked 'Ghost Stories' to be written, combining many elements of those items reviewed in class.
What is the 'House of Otranto'