Chapter 4
Krashen's Monitor Model
Schumann's Acculturation Model
Chapter 6
Types of EL Programs
Type of mediation where teacher tells students what to do for activity.
What is Direct Instruction?
A student is fluent in Spanish but when she took her high school Spanish class she was frustrated at the grammar and rules. What one of Krashen's hypothesis is this an example of?
What is Monitor Hypothesis?
Social distance is greatest when one group dominates the other. What is this called?
What is Social Dominance?
What view says that there is no need for bilingual education?
What is Monoglossic?
EL's are taught with mainstream students and given no special services. What type of program is this?
What is English immersion?
Type of mediation where teacher shows students how to do activity by example.
What is Modeling?
A professor teaches students curriculum one step ahead of their knowledge. What hypothesis this this?
What is Input Hypothesis?
Social distance is increased when the the learner group is tight knit. What is this called?
What is Cohesiveness?
What view encourages bilingual education?
What is Heteroglossic?
EL's are taken out of their classroom and given ESL support. What program is this?
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction?
Type of mediation where teacher asks questions, makes suggestions and points out aspects of a problem.
What is Scaffolding?
Krishna says some aspects of language are picked up easier then others. What hypothesis is this?
What is Natural Order Hypothesis?
Social distance is greatest when members of the learner group only intend to stay in country a short time. What is this called?
What is Intended length of residence?
Someone who is equally competent in two languages. What is this called?
What is a Balanced Bilingual?
EL's receive instruction in their primary language for 2-3 years and then integrated into all english instruction. What type of program is this?
What is Early Exit?
Type of situational learning where student is engaged and feels like there is purpose to activity.
What is Cognitive Apprenticeship?
The process of learning something subconsciously by exposure compared to formal teaching.
What is Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis?
Social distance is increased when the two groups are very different culturally. What is the called?
What is Cultural Congruence?
When a language is devalued and secondary language eventually takes over and becomes primary language. What is called?
What is Language Death?
EL's receive instruction in both languages for up to 6 years. What program is this?
What is Late Exit?
Learning results from interaction from an adult or more capable peer when solving a problem
What is Zone of proximal development?
Factors such as anxiety and boredom that inhibit language acquisition.
What is Affective Filter Hypothesis?
Social distance is increased when the learner group is self sufficient. What is this called?
What is Enclosure?
What language is considered the most important in economics and politics?
What is English?
Native english speakers are taught in a second language and english is introduced two years later. What program is this?
What is Enriched Immersion?