Food Preparation
Food Safety
Food Storage
Sanitation and Employee Personal Hygiene and Training
Information that can be used to verify the meal component contributions such as meat/meat alternate
What is a Child Nutrition Label or Product Analysis Statement?
Cross contamination risk from splashing raw meat juices on counters and sink
What is washing raw meat?
In the warmest part which is near the door
Where should a thermometer be placed in a refrigerator and freezer?
Acronym relating to safe food handling procedures
What is HACCP?
20 seconds
What is the amount of time employees should lather their hands with soap when washing hands?
Used when preparing food so that it will be the same each time the item is served
What is a standardized recipe?
In the refrigerator, under cold running water, during the cooking process
What are ways to safely thaw food?
Placement in order of cooking temperature needed with lowest temperature items on top shelf
What is the order for placing food from top to bottom shelf in the refrigerator and freezer?
Analyze hazards; Identify critical control points; Establish preventative measures with critical limits for each control point; Establish procedures to monitor the critical control points; Establish corrective actions to be taken when monitoring shows that a critical limit has not been met; Establish procedures to verify that the system is working properly; Establish effective record keeping to document the HACCP system
What are HACCP principles?
Wash, Rinse Sanitize
What are the 3 compartments of the dishwashing sinks?
Resource is used to calculate the amount of food needed for a specified portion size and number of portions
What is the Food Buying Guide?
Cutting through the skin may transfer dirt and germs to the interior fruit or vegetable
What is cutting unwashed fruit and vegetables?
Six inches from floor; 4 inches from wall; and two feet from ceiling
What is the clearance needed in dry, refrigerated, and freezer storage?
No Cook, Same Day and Complex preparation
What are the three food preparation processes?
What is the required concentration for chlorine in the sanitizing sink when washing dishes?
50-100 ppm
Carrots, Red Peppers, Tomatoes, Winter squash (acorn, hubbard, butternut), sweet potatoes
What are red/orange group substitutions?
2 hours to 70°F and up to additional 4 hours to reach 41°F
What is cooling down food?
Open cases and transfer date received to individual items (not current date) with the exception of items with a use by date such as chip packages
What is the process for labeling food with dates when received in kitchen?
Two or more complete trips through the danger zone
What is how many times does a menu item go through the danger zone during complex food preparation?
200-300 ppm or follow manufacturer instructions
What is the required concentration for quaternary ammonium in the sanitizing sink when washing dishes?
Longer bake time
What happens if you use a smaller and deeper pan than recipe calls for?
Heat up to 165°F and start cool-down process again. If food does not reach 70°F within 2 hours and then 41°F within another 4 hours, food must be discarded
What is corrective action when food is being cooled down and does not reach 70°F within the specified time?
Store them in separate labeled section until they can be returned to the vendor
What is the procedure for dented cans?
Something you should do when your hands get soiled or you are changing tasks
What is washing your hands?
30 seconds or 7-10 seconds depending on chemical solution used
What is how long should you sanitize dishes in the 3-compartment sink at 75-100˚F in quat or chlorine solution?