Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Text Features
Parents would rather their kids eat fruits and vegetables than junk food. Junk food contains a lot of sugar, while mangos contain a good source of Vitamin A. Asparagus contains a good source of B1, oranges contain a good source of Vitamin C and mushrooms contain a good source of Vitamin D. What is the main idea? a) kids should not eat junk food b) fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins c) parents know what is best
b) fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins
Derek ran up the court. "I'm open!" he yelled toward the boy with the ball. The boy passed the ball to Derek and he made his shot! The crowd cheered as two more points were added to the scoreboard. What sport was Derek playing?
Matt noticed that Mrs. Linn's curtains were still closed. Matt thought that was peculiar because Mrs. Linn always opened her curtains every morning. What does peculiar mean? a) strange b) pretty c) bad
a) strange
Mary got a zero on her test because she was caught cheating.
cause - she was cheating effect - zero on her test
Which text feature helps you find where a person, place, thing, or animal is located? a) map b) sidebar c) glossary
a) map
People visit the zoo each year. Tigers are one animal that live at the zoo, but also live in the wild. According to research, though, more tigers live in zoos and as pets than in the wild. This is why many subspecies are endangered or already extinct. What is the main idea? a) many people visit the zoo b) tigers make excellent pets c) tigers are becoming extinct
c) tigers are becoming extinct
It was 8:30 on Thursday night. Emily stared at the large, empty poster board on her bed. Then she looked at the stack of books about Abraham Lincoln on her desk. Emily began to cry. Why do you think Emily was crying?
She hasn't completed her project.
Benjamin ate three pieces of cake and two scoops of ice cream. An hour later, his stomach felt queasy and he decided to lie down for awhile. What does queasy mean? a) tired b) hungry c) sick
c) sick
The cookies were burnt because Josie forgot to take them out of the oven.
cause - forgot to take them out of the oven effect - cookies were burnt
Which text feature gives you the definitions of important words? a) index b) table of contents c) glossary
c) glossary
A hippopotamus is a large animal, but can run faster than a man. A butterfly tastes its food by standing on top of it. Rabbits can see behind themselves without moving their heads. What amazing animals! What is the main idea? a) rabbits are neat animals b) animals are special creatures c) hippos run very fast
b) animals are special creatures
"Ouch!" Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah, gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy. What activity were Lucy and Sarah doing?
Mom spent all day working in the garden. She felt weary and just wanted to go to bed. What does weary mean? a) tired b) hungry c) awake
a) tired
Shane hurt his leg, As a result, he was unable to play in the baseball game.
cause - hurt his leg effect - unable to play
Which text feature gives you extra information about the topic? a) heading b) sidebar c) index
b) sidebar
Humans are given 2 sets of teeth in their lifetime. Infants begin growing teeth around 3 months of age. This first set of teeth are called baby teeth, and include 20 teeth. The second set of teeth include 32 teeth. Teeth are used to help break down food, and must be taken care of to prevent cavities. What is the main idea? a) babies have 20 teeth b) adults must brush their teeth c) humans are given 2 sets of teeth
c) humans are given 2 sets of teeth
Crack! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stooped down to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge, pulled out the carton, and looked inside. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all. What did Katie clean up?
Maria worried that the kids at school would make fun of her new glasses. She did not want to be mocked just for having poor vision. What does mocked mean? a) told b) made fun of c) copied
b) made fun of
Carlos was tired all day because he went to bed late last night.
cause - went to bed late effect - tired all day
Which text feature would be best in locating a specific chapter of a book? a) index b) glossary c) table of contents
c) table of contents
I have a new puppy named Buddy. Buddy knows how to sit when commanded and give high fives. Buddy will stand up on his hind legs and "dance" with me, too. Also, Buddy will say hello to friends by barking just once. I don't know many pets like Buddy! What is the main idea? a) Buddy is a smart dog b) Buddy likes to impress others c) Buddy is the best pet
a) Buddy is a smart dog
Mom lit three candles. "There, that's better," she said. Claire turned off her flashlight. The house was quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing through the trees outside. Why did mom light candles?
the power went out
You must never explore a cave by yourself. It is essential for you to go with at least one other person. What does essential mean? a) important b) bad c) silly
a) important
Jessie had a stomachache because she ate too many cupcakes.
cause - ate too many cupcakes effect - stomachache
How does a pronunciation guide help you while reading? a) it tells you the definition of an unknown word b) it tells you how to sound out the word c) it gives you a synonym for the word
b) it tells you how to sound out the word