General Questions
Social Studies
Will 5th grade be hard?
Yes! We hope you will find it fun AND challenging!
What is the format for English Language Arts?
Same as last year, Writer's Workshop and Reader's Workshop.
What is Social Studies?
Great question! Social Studies is the study of people and societies including things such as history, government, and geography.
What about Math?
Unfortunately I cannot tell you much about Math. I can tell you that Mrs. Panneton is a wonderful teacher and I know that you will all enjoy her class!
Will there be homework?
Yes! We will most likely have reading/journaling homework one or two nights a week.
What will we do in Reader's Workshop?
The main units for reading are realistic fiction, informational texts, poetry, and mystery.
What will we learn about first in Social Studies?
We start the year with a basic geography review and then we move on to some mapping skills and working with timelines.
Is there Math homework?
Not that often!!! But Mrs. Panneton will tell you more about that next year!
Can I get a lunch detention?
Yes you can! But let's hope there's no need for that!
What will we do in Writer's Workshop?
Similar to reading, we have several units including personal narratives, informational writing, poetry, literary essays and mystery stories.
What's next after that?
Excellent question! I'm glad you asked - we will then study the Maya, Aztec and Inca and then European explorers!
What about science?
Sorry! I know even less about science than math.
Will our schedule be different than 4th grade?
The schedule will be similar to 4th grade with some minor differences.
Will we use computers for reading and writing?
Yes we will! We are fortunate in 5th grade to have a computer cart in our classroom. Much of our writing and our journaling in reading is done through google drive.
After European explorers what will we do next?
We will continue to follow the history of North America after the Europeans start settling there. This will include the Vikings, the 13 Colonies, and the American Revolution!
Do I need to do my summer reading and math?
I'm glad you mentioned this because I would have forgotten. Of course these things are important! We need to keep practicing our math facts because they are the foundation of everything you do in math. And reading is just plain fun so I know everyone will do their summer reading.
Should I be nervous about going to "Middle School"?
No, there's no need to worry although the demands and expectations will likely be higher.
Will I become a better reader and writer?
I certainly hope so! That's the goal for all of us!
Is Social Studies fun?
I personally really enjoy Social Studies, especially knowing that important events that shaped the country we live in today took place in Massachusetts.
Who's my homeroom teacher?
I don't know the answer to that. You will be notified at some point over the summer.