The Scoop on Poop!
Spelling Bee
You should Know This!
It's a Mystery!
I come out as segmented, often referred to as "packets." I am a parasite that is commonly contracted from another parasite, what am I?
What is a tapeworm
The restoration of life by using chest compression's or artificial ventilation to maintain circulatory flow & oxygenation during cardiac arrest. Spell this term
What is R-e-s-u-s-c-i-t-a-t-i-o-n
Retained baby teeth
What are deciduous teeth
OSHA- Created in 1971 to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths. What does this acronym stand for?
What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration
An external parasite that may transmit the bacterium that causes Lyme disease
What is a tick
A routine test that detects the eggs of mature parasites that live inside the body.
What is a Fecal Flotation
The process of removing the eye, leaving the muscles and remaining orbital contents intact. Spell this word
What is What is e-n-u-c-l-e-a-t-i-o-n
Number of teeth that make up the adult feline dental arcade? Number of teeth that make up the adult canine dental arcade?
What is 30 teeth What is 42 teeth
Gloves, masks, goggles and gowns. Each MSDS provides information on what needs to be used for that specific product.
What is PPE
Destroying all bacteria and viruses on an object using chemicals and/or heat under pressure.
What is sterilizing
These 4 common parasites are found upon microscopic evaluation of the canine/feline stool sample.
What is Hookworms, Roundworms, Whipworms & Coccidia
The Hookworm- an intestinal parasite of the canine/feline species that get their name from the hook-like mouth they use to anchor themselves to the lining of the intestinal wall. Spell the correct medical terminology for this parasite.
What is a-n-c-y-l-o-s-t-o-m-a
Plaque contains bacteria that causes gum disease. Plaque can harden into tartar if not treated properly, once hardened or calcified, this is what is becomes
What is Calculus
Two types of mange found on our companion animals
What is Demodectic & Sarcoptic mange
Contracted from a mosquito, small but deadly.
What is Heartworm Disease
Dark, sticky, bloody stool
What is Melena
Difficult or painful breathing, spell out this term
What is D-y-s-p-n-e-a
Gingivitis, Early, Moderate and Severe
What are the 4 stages of Periodontal Disease
The 4 things ONLY a veterinarian can do
What is prescribe medication, perform surgery, provide a diagnosis & a prognosis
Most Chemicals present some type of hazard. The number in the colored square tells us how extreme that hazard is on a scale from 0-4. On those container labels, what does the color blue represent?
What is a Health Hazard
A protozoan parasite that can infect the GI Tract
What is Giardia
DNA, spell out the full meaning of this acronym.
What is D-e-o-x-y-r-i-b-o-n-u-c-l-e-i-c a-c-i-d
Using a periodontal probe, hand scaling, ultrasonic scaling, polishing and rinsing.
What is a dental prophylaxis
A sealed chamber in which objects are exposed to heat and steam under pressure.
What is an autoclave
The 3 parts consisting of the small intestine in order.
What is the Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum