Connecting Ideas
Passive Voice & Comparisons
Adjective & Noun Clauses
Infinitives & Gerunds
Run-Ons, Comma Splices, Fragments
________ Dan is sick, he is going to work. (even, even though, before, so)
Even though Dan is sick, he is going to work.
Make the sentence passive. People should plant tomatoes in the spring.
Tomatoes should be planted in the spring.
Change the sentence to a noun clause. How old is your son? I don't know _______________.
I don't know how old your son is
Choose the correct answer: It is important _________ an education. a. to get b. getting
It is important to get an education.
Choose the correct sentence: 1. Because he was hot. Jim sat in the shade. 2. Because he was hot, Jim sat in the shade. 3. Jim sat in the shade. Because he was hot.
2. Because he was hot, Jim sat in the shade.
Connect the sentence with since. I plan to study nursing. I must take biology and math.
Since I plan to study nursing, I must take biology and math.
Make the sentence passive. Someone had to fix our car before we left for Chicago.
Our car had to be fixed before we left for Chicago.
Is she from Nepal? I'll ask John ____________.
I'll ask John if she is from Nepal.
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb. I keep (forget) _____________ to call my friend Jae. I'd better write myself a not.
I keep forgetting to call my friend Jae. I'd better write myself a not.
Choose the correct sentence. 1. Passengers can't use these electronic devices during takeoffs and landings they can use them the rest of the flight. 2. Passengers can't use these electronic devices during takeoffs and landings, they can use them the rest of the flight. 3. Passengers can't use these electronic devices during takeoffs and landings; they can use them the rest of the flight.
3. Passengers can't use these electronic devices during takeoffs and landings; they can use them the rest of the flight.

Choose the correct sentence. 1. When he wanted to entertain the children, my husband mooed like a cow roared like a lion and barked like a dog. 2. When he wanted to entertain the children, my husband mooed like a cow, roared like a lion, and barked like a dog. 3. When he wanted to entertain the children; my husband mooed like a cow, roared like a lion, and he barked like a dog.

2. When he wanted to entertain the children, my husband mooed like a cow, roared like a lion, and barked like a dog.

Complete the sentence. Running a 5k race is hard, but running a marathon is ____________.
Running a 5k race is hard, but running a marathon is harder.
Combine the sentence with an adjective clause. My sister has a friend. She is from Hidalgo, Mexico.
My sister has a friend who is from Hidalgo, Mexico.
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb. No matter how wonderful a trip is, it's always good (get) ________ back home and (sleep) ________ in your own bed.
No matter how wonderful a trip is, it's always good to get back home and sleep in your own bed.
Choose the correct sentence. 1. The teenage girls at the slumber party played music, ate pizza, and told ghost stories. 2. The teenage girls at the slumber party played music ate pizza and told ghost stories. 3. The teenage girls at the slumber party they played music, ate pizza, and told ghost stories.
1. The teenage girls at the slumber party played music, ate pizza, and told ghost stories.

Complete the sentence: Andy walked to work last week, and his roommate ______ too.

Andy walked to work last week, and his roommate did too.


Complete the sentence. Hartford Hall is the ______________ (tall) of all the buildings at JCTC.

Hartford Hall is the tallest of all the buildings at JCTC.

Combine the sentence using an adjective clause. Where can I buy a new chord? It fits my Iphone 6.
Where can I buy a new chord that fits my Iphone 6?
Use enough to make a sentence. I can't reach the top shelf. I'm not that tall.
I'm not tall enough to reach the top shelf.
Correct the sentence. My family bakes together nearly every night we then get to enjoy everything we make together.
My family bakes together nearly every night. We then get to enjoy everything we make together.

Complete the sentence. Ivan isn't wearing a hat, and ________ is Marco.

Ivan isn't wearing a hat, and neither is Marco.


Make the question passive: Has the candidate announced his campaign yet?

Has the campaign been announced by the candidate yet?


Combine using a noun clause: When will we leave for the restaurant? Should we ask Iman ________________.

When will we leave for the restaurant? Should we ask Iman when we will leave for the restaurant.

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb. My cat is good at (catch) _________ mice.
My cat is good at catching mice.
Correct the sentence: My favorite bands are all really loud, playing loud music is good for stress relief.
My favorite bands are all really loud. Playing loud music is good for stress relief.