Population Sensations
Perfectly Human
Animal Farm
Cafe Energy
New York, New York
This term is used to describe the number of individuals of a population in a certain space.
What is population density.
The time it takes to increase the human population by 100%.
What is doubling time.
The practice of sourcing food from strictly plant-based sources.
What is veganism.
This fossil fuel source formed primarily from trees, plants, and other plant materials, preserved 280-360 million years ago.
What is coal.
The longest LIRR track runs from Penn Station to this shore town on Long Island's south fork.
What is Montauk.
This type of growth is experienced when a population does not have resource limitations.
What is exponential growth.
The name for the progression of human populations, including stages such as industrialization.
What is demographic transition.
This term is used to describe current agricultural practices where billions of animals are raised en mass for consumption.
What is factory farming.
Fossil fuels account for this percentage of human energy consumption.
What is 81%.
This NYC borough is its most populated, with an estimated 2.7 million residents.
What is Brooklyn.
These types of organisms produce many offspring, knowing that many individuals will not make it to reproductive age.
What are "r" strategists.
The type of growth experienced when populations are faced with a carrying capacity, taking a characteristic "s" shape.
What is logistic growth.
Factory farming threatens this natural resource due to its incredible consumption in farming practices.
What is fresh water.
This energy source is classified as a mixture of hydrocarbons, water, and sulfur occurring in underground deposits.
What is petroleum.
This minor league team is named after New York's most famous coaster.
Who are the Brooklyn Cyclones.
Factors such as resource competition and disease are examples of this type of population controls.
What is density-dependent controls.
The name for the age structure in a population with very high birth and date rates.
What is pyramid structure.
This term is used to describe the planting of a single species over large ranges of farmland.
What is monoculture.
Using energy produced by one source for multiple purposes to increase efficiency is known as this process.
What is cogeneration.
This art museum located in NYC is the largest art museum in the western hemisphere.
What is the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET).
Populations of species disperse into these 3 patterns.
What are clumped, random, and uniform.
This type of disease is always present in a population, typically as a result of long environmental exposure.
What is chronic disease.
The United States was founded on this type of farming style, which centered around maintaining land and providing for one's family.
What is yeoman farming.
These types of energy sources are bought and sold, they include many fossil fuels such as coal.
What are commercial energy sources.
This subway line is the longest in the NYC system, clocking 31 miles.
What is the A train.