Newtons 3 Laws
Impulse and Impact
This is the quantity that descirbes and objects speed and direction.
What is Velocity
This is a force that Pushes objects when they touch a surface.
What is Normal Force?
The net force on an object is equal to this, also known as Newton's 2nd Law.
What is mass*acceleration
These two quantites together make up Momentum.
What is mass and velocity?
This is the variable for impulse.
What is J?
There are three ways to accelerate which consist of....
What is 1. Speed Up 2. Slow Down 3. Change Direction
This is the equation for the force of gravity, also known as weight.
What is m*g?
If a car slams into a wall, and our body continues to fly forward, this law explains why that happens. State the law in your own words.
What is Newtons first law, which says an object in motion, stays in motion, and an object at rest remains at rest, unless it undergoes a net external force.
The way we describe momentum is an objects this.
What is the ability to resist a change in its current motion. Inertia in motion.
If I increase the time of an impact for an object, it has this effect on the force if the impulse remains the same.
What is the force will decrease?
The slope of a position time graph will provide you with this quantity.
What is a velocity?
When all the forces on an object cancel we say the object is in a state of this.
What is equilibrium?
If I push on the wall, this is how I would describe the reaction force.
What is The wall Pushing on me?
An object of 325.62kg is moving with a speed of 35.5m/s. What is the objects momentum.
What is 11,559.51 kgm/s
If an egg hits a sheet, it does not break, but if an egg hits a wall it does. Please explain using the impulse-momentum theorem.
What is An object coming to a stop will have the same change in momentum, but the Forces on the objects differ. For the sheet, there is a small force because the time is greater. For the Wall, the time is short, so the force must be much larger.
Mike is running with a speed of 5 m/s, and and runs for 200 m. How long does it take mike to go the 200 m?
What is 20s?
There is a normal force of 98N holding up a 10kg block, what is the net force of the block.
What is 0N.
The total amount of force acting on an object is known as this.
What is the net force?
This is the mass of an object moving with a speed of 35m/s and has a momentum of 297kgm/s.
What is 8.5kg
The Force acting on an object with a Impulse of 65N*s for 10s is the following.
What is 6.5N?
If Kewon Runs at a speed of 2m/s than accelerates at a rate of 1m/s2 for 5s, what will be his final speed?
What is 7m/s?
A 100kg object is being thrust forward along a surface with a force of 350N, the object feels a force of friction close to 200N, if we ignore Normal force and Weight, this is the objects acceleration
What is 1.5m/s2
Draw a free body diagram for a box lying on the earth's surface and label all the forces, then draw a free body diagram of the earth. Circle the two 3rd Law pairs on your diagram.
What is Draw Diagrams on the Board
A car 2000kg car travels at a speed of 35m/s, and then slows down to a speed of 15m/s, what is the cars change in momentum?
What is 40,000kgm/s
A rocket is speeding along at 6.5 m/s, and applies the brakes with a force of 400N for 30s, what is the rockets final speed it has a mass of 200kg.
What is 2.5m/s