Racial Discrimination
Parental Rights
Emerging Issues
This landmark Supreme Court case established the principle that separate but equal facilities is constitutional
What is Plessy v Ferguson
This is when the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act was passed into law
What is 1974
This Supreme Court case ruled that parents and guardians are not required to educate their children in public schools
What is Pierce v Society of Sisters
These Programs give non English speaking students an opportunity to learn in American Public Schools
What are ESL Programs
This program gives parents / guardians money that allows their child to attend private schools
What are school vouchers
In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that establishing separate public schools for black and white students is unconstitutional.
What is Brown v Board of Education
This legislation requires secondary schools to release names, addresses, and phone numbers of students to military recruiters whose parents has not previously fled objections
What is the No child Left Behind Act of 2001
This case allowed Amish parents to limit their children's education to the 8th grade
What is Wisconsin v Yoder
This program addresses disabled students specific educational needs
What is the Individualized Education Program
These are schools that are run by private entities for profit
What are charter schools
A school district has achieved this when the courts no longer supervise the districts decisions and equity in student and faculty assignments, facilities, transportation, and activities clearly exists
What is a unitary district
This is the maximum time allowed by law for an educational institution to comply with a parents request to view their child's school records.
What is 45 days
This law requires all children to attend a public, private, or be home schooled until the age of 16
What is Compulsory Schooling
This legislation protects the rights of all people with disabilities
What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Many states are attempting to tie these indicators to teacher evaluations.
What are student state wide assessment results
This federal regulation removed all federal funding in any program found guilty of discrimination based on race or national origin
What is Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
This is the time frame that a school district is required to inform parents of their rights under FERPA
What is each year
This is how many states support home schooling
What is 50
Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical Services, and assistive technology are considered these
What are related services
This student's case went all the way to the Supreme Court because a school district did not allow him to use the restroom of the gender that he associated with.
Who is Gavin Green
This premise confirmed that geographic factors, population concentrations, and location of schools can produce racially unbalanced schools.
What is De Facto segregation
This student information includes facts such as the student's name, address, email address, date of birth, phone number, and awards awarded
What is directory information
This California law allows parents to change or even close failing public schools
What are Trigger Laws
This document outlines the rights of disabled students
What is The Handbook of Parental Rights
As a Union, can teachers strike because of their perceived understanding of unfair labor practices
What is in most cases is NO