Colony Regions
Causes of the Revolution
Colonists Unite
Women of the Revolution
Students of Mrs. Voyer's clas
If colonists settled in the southern colonies, they usually ran these large farms.
What are plantations?
This said that the colonists couldn't move west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
This person is someone who is chosen to represent others.
What is a delegate?
This woman voiced her concerns and opinions to her husband, John Adams.
Who is Abigail Adams?
Name 2 students who play baseball.
Who are Nicholas, Christopher, Josh C., Noah R., Jordan W.
These jobs were available in the New England colonies.
What are shipbuilding and fishing?
This group wove cloth and made other goods to replace British goods.
What are the "Daughters of Liberty"?
This group was organized to allow communication between the colonies.
What is the Committee of Correspondence?
These were some of the new roles women took on during the Revolution.
What are taking charge of the plantations and farms, running their husband businesses, and continually to take care of the children and the housework.
Name one person who has a dog and say the name.
Check with students.
Crops sold for a profit were called this.
What is cash crops?
This event turned violent and 5 colonists were killed.
What is the Boston Massacre?
These words were written under Benjamin Franklin's cartoon.
What is "Join or Die?"
This woman lived with the army at times.
Who is Martha Washington?
Name all of the students who's name begins with J.
Who are James, Jordan W., Jordan G., Josh C., Josh T., Jeremy, Jesse
These people were supporters of slavery.
What is plantation owners?
King George decided to begin taxing the colonists because of this reason.
What is after the French and Indian War, Britain was in debt, and King George thought he would get the colonists to repay his debt.
After the First Continental Congress met, colonies started this type of army.
What is a militia?
This 16 year old rode her horse about 40 miles to alert the local militia about a British attack.
Who is Sybil Ludington?
Name 3 students who are running for student council.
Who are Michael, Ireland, Aisha, Eleni, Max, Kayla, Anna.
Explain how in the Southern, New England, and Middle colonies' geography and climate affect where people settle.
What is the warm climate and rich soil in the South, trees and fish in New England, and good harbors in the Middle.
Name and describe 3 events that led to the colonists declaring their independence.
Stamp Act: tax on printed material. Sugar Act: tax on sugar and molasses. Townshend Acts: tax on glass, paint, tea. Boston Tea Party: dumping tea into Boston Harbor
This letter was sent to King George as a final attempt to avoid war.
What is the Olive Branch Petition?
This woman disguised herself as a man in order to serve in the Continental Army.
Who is Deborah Sampson?
Who has a sibling named Dominic.
Who is Christopher?