number sense
The fraction that is closest to one is 1/2, 3/4, 1 1/8, or 1 3/6.
What is 1 1/8
Josh collected rain over a five day period. On Monday it rained .38 of an inch. On Tuesday it rained .53 of an inch. On Wednesday it rained .83 of an inch. On Thursday it rained . 32 of an inch and on Friday it rained .35 of an inch. On which day did it rain the least?
What is Thursday.
What is the value of the 6 in the following number? 345.67
What is 6 tenths
I have 36 houses in my Sim City. Each house costs $149 to build. How much did my houses cost?
What is $5,276
Emma bought 2 pizzas for a party. Each pizza is cut into 12 pieces. She has 8 people at her party. How many pieces of pizza does each person get?
What is 3
Sam and John ordered a pizza it had 12 pieces they ate 9 pieces of the pizza. What fraction of the pizza did they have left?
What is 3/12 or 1/4
Riggan bought a pair of flip flops for $18.35. She gave the cashier a $20 bill. How much change did Riggan receive?
What is $1. 65.
What is one hundred more than 3,987?
What is 4,087
Dylan rides his bike 14 miles a day. How far did Dylan ride in a week?
What is 98 miles
There are 48 cookies in a pack of Chips Ahoy! Nate packs 6 cookies in his lunch each day. How many days will Nate's pack of Chips Ahoy last?
What is 8 days.
Jessie made a quilt with 8 red squares. Her quilt had 32 squares total. What fraction of her quilt was not red?
What is 3/4
Madison measured snow fall over the weekend. On Friday it snowed 3.2 inches. On Saturday it snowed 1.6 inches, and on Sunday it snowed 2.83 inches. How much did it snow over the three day period?
What is 7.63 inches.
If a 10 x 10 grid equal one whole and 35 squares are shaded, how would you write that number?
What is .35
Jon Paul is making pizza. He puts 12 pepperonis and 15 anchovies on each pizza. If he uses 45 anchovies how many pepperonis does he need?
What is 36
Sydni's mom has $235 dollars. She wants to split the money evenly between her 5 children. How much money will each child get?
What is $47
Ainsley ran 2 3/4 miles on Wednesday. She ran twice as far on Thursday. How far did Ainsley run in the two day period?
What is 8 1/4
Ethan has 4/10 of a dollar, and Mekhi has 4/100 dollar. Who has more money? Why?
What is Ethan. Ethan has .40 cents and Mekhi has .04 cents.
How would you write the number ten thousand two hundred five and 6 hundredths?
What is 10,205.06
Jordan packs 17 grapes in her lunch each school day during the week. How many grapes does she eat over a 3 week period?
What is 357
Miss Greive brought in donut holes for her class. Each box contains 35 donut holes. She bought 3 boxes. She has 22 kids in her class. How many donut holes does each child get? How many donut holes are left over?
What is 4 with 14 remaining.
Maggie is making pancakes. She needs 3 cups of mix an egg, and 1/4 cup of oil. If she wants to double her recipe, what does she need?
What is 6 cups of mix, 2 eggs, and 1/2 cup of oil.
Write this number in word form. 4,365.28
What is four thousand three hundred sixty-five and 28 hundredths.
What number am I? I have a 6 in my tens place. My tenths place is half of tenths place. My ones place is 2 more than my tenths place, and my hundreds place is 3 more than my tens place.
What is 965.3
Thomas raised 23 dollars for Japan. For every dollar he raised his Dad pledged $3.00. How much money did Thomas raise?
What is $92
William is making bracelets for his sisters he has 846 beads. He needs 32 beads to make each bracelet. How many bracelets can William make?
What is 28