Types of peer relationships
Peer relationships 2
Peer Preesure and refusal skills
Responding to negative peer pressure
wild card
Two types of peer relatioships.
What are friendships and cliques?
This is what often happens when teenagers share the same interests.
What is they become friends?
the control and influence people your age have over you.
What is peer pressur?
giving up, giving in, or backing down to peer pressure without standing up for your own rights and needs.
What is the passive way?
The removal of all drugs from the body.
What is detoxification?
Casual friends and peers with whom you feel socially connected.
What is a casual friendship?
A negative feeling toward someone or something that is based not on experience but, rather, on stereotypes.
What is prejudice?
inspiring others by setting good examples for people your age.
What is a positive role model?
Being overly forceful, pushy, hostile, or otherwise attacking in approach when dealing with peer pressure.
What is the aggresive way?
Trying to protect the person having trouble with alcohol or drugs from facing the consequences of his or her drug-related problems.
What is enabling?
In this type of relationship you are more likely to share with each other what you are really feeling and thinking. You trust each other and may go to each other when you are hurting, confused, or in trouble.
What is close relationship?
The exaggerated feelings of passion for another person.
What is infatuation?
setting bad examples for people your age like the use of drugs and alcohol.
What is negative role model?
Standing up for your own rights, in a firm but positive way when dealing with negative peer pressure.
What is the assertive way?
A condition in which liver tissue is destroyed and then replaced with useless scar tissue.
What is Cirrhosis?
A relationship with a member of the opposite gender in which there is affection, but no sexual activity.
What is a platonic relationship?
this is part of the process of learning interpersonal skills. it provides an opportunity for you to get to know yourself better-to recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
What is dating?
A sneaky or dishonest way to control or influence others.
What is manipulation?
Techniques and strategies that help you say no effectively when faced with something that you do not want to do or is against your values.
What are refusal skills?
A condition in which a fetus has been adversly affected mentally and physyically by its mother's heavy alcohol use during pregnancy.
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrom?
A small, narrow circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, that excludes people they view as outsiders. These members may treat non-members with scorn, ridicule, or indifference.
What is clique?
This is a good way to ease into dating.
What is go out as a group?
Types of manipulation....
What are mocking or teasing, bargaining, bribing, using guilt trips, making threats, using blackmail, or using flattery?
Name the three refusal skills.
What are State your position simply but firmly, Suggest alternatives to the behavior being proposed, Back up your words with actions.
A persons ability to use "sense" to overide emotions.
What is self-control?