Pavlovian Variables
Pavlovian Terms
Types of Conditioning
Characteristics of CS & US
Edwin Ray Guthrie
A natural and automatic response is elicited from this variable
What is a Unconditioned Stimulus
This is acquisition.
What is repeatedly pairing the CS with the US
A US and CS are continously paired. Eventually the organism will respond to the CS with out the US being present. What is this?
What is Pavlovian Conditioning
How intense a stimuli is.
What is Salience?
Response showed by last stimuli will be done more likely on the next trial.
What is the Recency Principle?
This is the automatic response elicited by the US
What is an unconditioned response
CS___-------____ US_____---_____ This is a type of delay.
What is Forward delay
~A bell is paired continuously with the getting hit on the head and after many pairings the light elicits flinching. ~Now a tone is paired with the the light and getting hit on the head and flinching occurs. ~When the tone is presented alone no responding occurs. ~What is this type of classical conditioning called?
What is blocking
How familiar a stimulus is, how often it occurs.
What is novelty?
One says internal doesn't matter, one says it does.
What is a difference between Skinner and Guthrie?
This is the result of a conditioned stimulus being continuously being paired with an unconditioned stimulus
What is a conditioned response.
This is presenting a CS without a US.
What is extinction
~A Light is paired continuously with the presentation of food and after many pairings the light elicits salivation. ~Now a tone is paired with the the light and the presentation of food and salivation occurs. ~When the tone is presented alone no responding occurs. ~Why?
What is no added predictability
An alarm goes off several times a day during school for messages. The same alarm goes off for tornado alerts. This would be a bad stimulus because it has a high ______.
What is an example of Novelty?
Simple muscle contraction; a change in the body.
What is a movement in Guthrie's theory?
You are taking a shower in one of our lovely dorm bathrooms. Someone flushes the toilet, the water gets very hot and you jump out of the way. Next time you hear the toilet flush you jump out of the way. What does the water getting hot represent?
What is the unconditioned stimulus
After extinction has occurred a rat is put in their home cage for the night. The next day, when the rat is put back in the back in the cage some responding occurs.
What is spontaneous recovery
~The CS and US are continuously paired and behaving increases. (Acquisition) ~The US is removed and behaving decreases (extinction) ~The organism is put in a new context and some behaving occurs.
What is Renewal
A stimulus that is highly salient produces these levels of responding.
What is more responding?
Present a stimulus that is associated with undesired response at the same time presenting a stimuli that is more salient.
What is an incompatible response method?
You have your first kiss while the song "I Like Big Butts" is playing. You feel nervous and excited from the kiss. Next time you hear "I Like Big Butts" you feel nervous and excited. What does the song "I Like Big Butts" represent?
What is a conditioned stimulus
Every time a dog hears a tone he salivates because he believes he will be getting food. When the tone is sounded quieter than the learned tone less salivating occurs.
What is generalization
You get the opposite of CR, low levels of CR.
What is Backward conditioning?
Salience and novelty play a role on the stimulus simultaneously. (T/F)
What is true about the characteristics of CS & US?
Response that has been associated with a large number of stimuli.
What is a habit in Guthrie's theory?