These two words can reveal whether something is a similie rather than a metaphor.
What is like and as
FOIL, a distributing method, stands for this.
What is First-Outer-Inner-Last.
The process of cell division that occurs in all cells besides gametes is known as
What is mitosis.
This native american tribe dominated large parts of mesoamerica in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.
Who are the Aztecs?
This social networking site, founded in 2004 by four harvard students, ranked the number 1 most used social networking service in a 2009 study.
What is Facebook
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." The shakespearean quote, above, is spoken in this play?
What is Julius Ceasar
A 30-60-90 degrees triangle with one side equal to 12 and another side equal to 12√ 3 has a hypotenuse equal to...
What is 24.
When the chemical formula FeO is written as a binary chemical compound then it is named this.
What is iron (II) oxide?
nirvana, a state of perfect peace, is a belief of this religion
What is buddhism?
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta also known by this stage name, was named artist of the year in 2010 by Billboard.
Who is Lady Gaga.
This romantic piece of literature is said to be Nathaniel Hawthorne's magnum opus.
What is The Scarlet letter.
Which method, elimination or substitution, would be easier to use given the following systems of equations. 1. 6x^2+3x+2 and 2. 6x^2+9x+5
What is elimination.
A typical adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones, and more than 20 bones are below the waist. Can you name the two bones between the tarsals and the femur.
What are the tibia and fibula.
1927: This man was lionized after he became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
Who is Charles Lindbergh?
This Fast-Food chain has been using a red, white, and yellow mascot with a shoe size of 29 triple E since 1963.
What is McDonalds.
In 1983, this author received the National Book Award for her novel The Color Purple.
Who is Alice Walker?
This term is used to refer to a directed line segment that has a quality, magnitude, and direction.
What is a vector.
The scientific method has 5 steps. This step occurs after a hypothesis is created and before data/results are analyzed.
What is test the hypothesis/experiment.
Guernica, a painting by pablo picasso, was created in response to bombings by german and italian warplanes on April 26, 1937 during this war?
What is the spanish civil war?
This disney villain was proclaimed the 39th worst villain on a list by the American Film institute in 2003.
Who is Cruella De Vil
This coming of age story, written by Robert Louis Stevenson, follows a young boy on an adventure of a lifetime as well as demonstrating a complex study of good and evil.
What is Treasure Island?
One of Albert Einstein's greatest acheivements was his contribution to this theory. This theory generally applies to particles as they accelerate, particularly due to gravitation, and acts as a radical revision of Newton’s theory, predicting important new results for fast-moving and/or very massive bodies.
What is the theory of relativity?
Operation Desert Shield, was a plan in which American troops were sent to protect Saudi Arabia because America feared that it was this former president of iraq's next target.
Who is Saddam Hussein.
1902: This country was the first to issue a divided back postcard.
What is Great Britain.