U of M Trivia
College of Liberal Arts
Learning Abroad
Goldy the Gopher
Who is the U of M mascot?
Established in 1868, it supports the University of Minnesota's land-grant mission as home to disciplines in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. With departments throughout the Minneapolis campus, it is the largest home to 16,716 students (14,762 undergraduate and 1,954 graduate students).
What is the College of Liberal Arts?
Programming committees include: Films, Gophers After Dark, Quizbowl, Special Events, Visual Arts, St. Paul Programs, and Whole Music Club.
What are the 7 committees in the Student Program Board?
230 Heller Hall, West Bank
Where is the Learning Abroad Center located?
Measured by the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment
What is a theme? With 34 possible themes, your top 5 are fairly unique! ***Only 1 in 34 million individuals will have the same top 5 themes in the same order ***Only 1 in 340,000 individuals will share your same top 5 themes
Eric Kaler
Who is the University of Minnesota’s current President?
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A) Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A), Bachelor of Individual Studies (B.I.S), Bachelor of Music (B. Mus.).
What are the 5 bachelor degrees CLA offers?
Marketing Assistant, Art Gallery Attendant, & Student Activities Assistant
What are (examples of) student job titles? Student Unions & Activities provides hundreds of paid student employment positions. They also offer stipend leadership positions for our Program Board and Homecoming Committees.
It helps students meet major or minor requirements, fulfill liberal education requirements, complete a directed study, and achieve proficiency in a second language. Students can also conduct research & do an internship.
What is a study abroad program?
People with this strength love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over.
What is WOO?
The Undergrad Update
What is the bi-monthly email sent to students? This regular student email improves undergraduate communication at the U of M. lt ensures all undergraduate students are aware of events, resources, and information that is available.
This office helps you explore majors, research careers & internships, prepare resumes/cover letters, navigate the job search process, and helps you prepare for graduate school.
What is CLA Career Services?
A search tool that helps U of M undergraduates get connected with meaningful experiences outside of the classroom.
What is Engage! ? Use this search to discover opportunities that will help you pursue your interests and aspirations and complement your academic experiences. You can search specifically for opportunities by interests and majors, use the suggested interest categories, or view current opportunities.
This minor integrates a study abroad experience with related U of M coursework and is open to all students regardless of college of enrollment.
What is the learning abroad minor? Reasons to minor: * Gain skills to effectively communicate with other cultures and insight into your own communication style and culture * Learn to identify and articulate your new skills, knowledge, and world perspective to future employers, scholarship committees, graduate schools, friends and family * Opportunity to debrief, analyze, and critically reflect upon your experience abroad * Better prepare yourself to appreciate, respect and navigate cultural differences you will encounter abroad and upon your return to the US
The benefits include: increasing your self-awareness, developing yourself to your full potential in your academics, career, leadership, relationships, & engagement, creating a common language across campus, helping you towards your academic & career goals.
What are the benefits of attending a strengths based campus?
This place is home to the Magrath Library, the College of Design, & the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences. (close to the "great get together")
What is the St. Paul campus?
This person will help you identify your strengths and interests, choose a major, help you stay on track for your degree, plan your courses, help you reach your academic goals, graduate in a timely manner, and guide you to important resources & engagement opportunities on campus.
What is a student community academic adviser?
This program helps you learn more about yourself, sharpen your career planning, strengthen your record of professional achievement in support of applications to graduate or professional school and jobs, develop a mentored relationship with one or more of the University’s faculty.
What is the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)?
Need-based financial aid, supplementary loans, and scholarships.
What are ways a student can fund a study abroad experience?
The development of this, like the development of a muscle, takes effort.
What is a strength?
All that glitters is gold
What is homecoming 2011?
This person will help you plan major or minor program requirements, connect you to departmental activities and student groups, be knowledgeable about study abroad and other experiences that enhance your program, can help you prepare for graduate studies, professional schools, and careers related to your major.
What is a departmental academic adviser?
This experience will help you: develop professional skills, build your network, connect learning in the classroom to the world of work, basically- you are learning by doing.
What is an internship? An internship will help you get a job after you graduate. Employers seek job candidates with some type of experience. Internships build your resume and increase your chances of getting hired later.
You will automatically fulfill this by earning at 3 credits and spending at least 3 weeks abroad.
What is the global perspectives liberal education requirement?
This letter connects your education, experience, skills, strengths to a particular internship/job/volunteer position that you apply to; a chance to demonstrate your qualifications and strengths.
What is a cover letter? 1st impressions are lasting impressions. You can make yourself look like the "perfect" candidate by explaining your natural talents & strengths in your cover letter.