Mix Tape
Fast and Furious
Did someone call a vo-cab?
How'd You Do That?
Which word means 'to break down rock into smaller pieces'? Weathering or Erosion
Thick sheets of ice in cold places are called: a) ice plates b) glaciers c) icicles d) Coldy McFreezerton's
b) glaciers
Which factor most often causes erosion and weathering? a) ice b) magma c) moving water d) fire
c) moving water
Which of the following describes how a moraine is formed? a) erosion from ice b) erosion from wind c) deposition from ice d) deposition from wind
c) deposition from ice
Which of the following landforms was not created by deposition? a) moraine b) dune c) delta d) volcano
d) volcano
Which landform was formed by wind and moving sand? a) glacial moraine b) lake c) mushroom rock d) waterfall
c) mushroom rock
True or False A slower moving river will have more curves and bends to its shape as it changes.
True or False Moving water is only a slow process that changes the earth.
False. It can be both fast and slow depending on how fast and how much water is moving.
True or False An earthquake occurs when plates get stuck against each other, build up tension, and then move quickly to release a large amount of energy.
How can a plant both slow down erosion and speed up weathering?
It can slow down erosion by holding soil together with its roots, but also speed up weathering by growing its roots in rocks and breaking them apart.
Identify the main process and the main physical cause that would form a sea arch. a) erosion and wind b) erosion and water c) deposition and wind d) weathering and ice
b) erosion and water (waves)
Wind can cause erosion. Identify which of the following choices is an example of a slow change to Earth's surface cause by erosion from wind. a) tides b) moraines c) sand dunes d) windmills
c) sand dunes
Give three examples of rapid processes that shape the earth.
*Many possible answers including, but not limited to: volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, fires, mudslides, landslides, earthquakes, floods, and more.
A growing pile of sediment deposited at the mouth of a river is called a _____________.
A growing pile of sediment deposited at the mouth of a river is called a delta.
How does a river delta form?
It is formed from sediment deposition from moving water in the river.
What process and what main item caused the change of creating a glacial moraine on the Earth’s surface?
deposition from ice
Describe the purpose of one of our labs or demonstrations in class.
*Many to note: Oreo lab, glaciers ice cube, wind and water "mountain" erosion, cave formation, sand dune and beach creation...
Give three examples of slow changes to the Earth's surface.
*Many possible answers including: weathering, erosion, mountain formation, volcano formation, arch formation, deltas, etc.
A landslide is typically caused by ___________ and _____________.
A landslide is typically caused by rain and gravity.
Sand dunes often have a wavy surface. What creates this kind of surface? a) rain water b) wind blowing c) animals leaving tracks d) vibrations from earthquakes
b) wind blowing
List the four main causes of erosion.
Flowing water, wind, gravity, and glaciers
Describe how a canyon is formed. Use scientific words in your description.
Over a long period of time, moving water from a river will carve out and weather the rock on the walls of the river. The water will erode the rock and sediment away.
Explain what would happen if water got into the crack of a mountain in a cold environment. Be specific and don't skip steps.
The water would freeze then the ice would expand causing the crack to become larger and possibly break off or fall apart (weather).
Why are stones typically smooth on the beach?
The continuous movement from the waves have weathered them away and smoothed them out.
Explain how a giant boulder may have ended up in the middle of a field or forest.
It's possible that it was stuck in or on a glacier that transported it around and then the glacier melted somewhere, which then deposited the boulder.