First Aid
Campus Response Procedures
Emergency Response preperadness is who's responsibility?
Who should administer First Aid in an emergency?
When do you ring the Fire Alarm?
Whenever it is necessary to clear the building.
What do you do to escape a buring building?
Crawl low under any smoke to your exit - heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling. Close doors behind you as you escape to delay the spread of the fire. Stay out once you are safely out. Do not reenter. Call 9-1-1.
How would you notify the College Sheriff of an emergency on campus?
By telephone to (818) 947-2911, on campus @ x2911.
Exit the building and proceed to an evacuation area.
After an earthquake student should........?
When should CPR be administered?
When a victim has stopped breathing or the heart has stopped beating.
You smell a strong odor of gas in the building, what do you do first?
Sound the alarm to activate the building usually by activating the Fire Alarm.
When using a fire extiguisher where do you direct the stream of fire suppressing gas?
At the base of the fire.
If your campus telephone is not working how do you notify the College Sheriff that you need help?
By cellphone or by Runner.
One of four locations on campus, "A" Lot, Stadium, "B" Lot and "D" Lot
What is an Evacuation Area?
How do you stop arterial bleeding?
Put direct pressure on the wound and maintain pressure until help arrives.
During construction what is important about hallways and pathways?
Maintain exit routes during construction, repairs, or alterations.
Who is responsible for helping students with disabiliites to exit a building in an emergency?
Faculty and other students. Faculty should discuss emergencies students with disabilities and assign a volunteering student to help in an emergency.
During a major emergency (earthquake, explosion, etc.) who is your main source of contact with the Emergency Operations Center?
Building Marshal or Zone Marshal. The Zone Marshals have radios and will be in communication with the EOC.
What should you and your students do during an earthquake?
Take cover - under tables, chairs, desks. If not available "Duck and cover".
If a studnet or employee has a serious medical emergency at work, what is your first response?
Call the College Sheriff at x2911.
Who is responsible for activating the Colleges Emergency Response Plan during an emergency.
The Vice President, Adminstrative Services, or the Senior Administrator in charge of the campus at the time of the incident.
What are the three things necessary to create a fire (fire triangle)?
Oxygen, heat and fuel
If you cannot find a Building Marshal or Zone Marshal how would you communicate your emergency needs?
Runners. Select a reliable student and (if possible) give them a note or a verbal message to take the to the EOC or a First Responder.
What is NIMS
National Incident Management System, used by all emergency response plans as a basis for coordinating assistance, rescue and restoring normal operations.
What First Aid procedure do you follow for a broken bone?
What First Aid procedure do you follow for a broken bone?
When does the College fully activate the Emergency Operations Center.
During any major emergency where the College suffers significant injuries and damage to it infrastructure.
What should you do before you open a door to check for victims?
Touch the door with your hand, if it is hot - DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR! Otherwise open it slowly.
If you have no phone, no cellphone, no radio, no do you communicate your need for assistance?
Yell, call for help, use a whistle if you have one...make noise until someone responds.