Asynchronous Environment
Responsibilities: Student or Professor?
Quality Outcomes
Student Persistence
Teaching Modalities
Flexibility! You can be anywhere at anytime!
What is teaching online?
Participates in threaded discussions (posting a minimum of three quality posts in each graded discussion on three separate days with the first thread for each topic must be posted by Wednesday).
What is the minimum posting requirement of the student?
Copy, save, and organize all announcements, threaded discussion questions and answers, solutions to assignments, emails, feedback to students, etc. in a folder for your course and reuse them next time you teach the course.
What is time management?
When students know what to expect in their online course they can perform, feel secure and learn.
What is Student Success?
Professors typically lectured while students sat in their seats.
What is traditional 15 week semester?
This is where the students and professor interact to explore course concepts. The student will indicate his/her mastery of the TCO while the professor facilitates and adds his/her personal touch and creativity to the course.
What are the threaded discussion?
Posts a launch post to kick off the discussion. Posts at least every other day with your initial post by Tuesday. Is active in the discussion at least 4 days. Posts on one weekend day of the closing week.
What is the responsibility of the professor?
Existing course materials can be expanded through well-planned faculty designed activities in the discussion.
What is a Professor's Creative additions to the course?
Facilitating learning, providing timely feedback, encouragement and growth.
What is an optimal learning environment?
Students meet in a classroom as well as through an online shell.
What is Blended Learning?
This is a venue for tracking student progress. You can see what the student understands and provide guidance throughout the week to achieve the TCOs.
What are the threaded discussions?
Completes homework, labs, weekly quizzes, and all other assignments by midnight (MT) on Sunday of the closing week.
What is responsibility of the student?
Plan, Act, Evaluate, Improve
What is Quality Outcome?
Engaging with all of your students through the email, the announcements, phone calls, and the discussion threads.
What is Professor Interaction?
Flexibility! You can be anywhere at anytime to log into your classroom.
What is online learning?
Individuals who are juggling full time jobs, families and school. They send emails to the professor throughout the day and night.
What are online students?
Provides detailed and timely feedback to students on all assignments. Required feedback for discussions is Tuesday, Best Practice is Monday. Required feedback for assignments is Friday, Best Practice is Wednesday.
What is the responsibility of the professor?
Getting to know your students in the first week with a warm welcome and interaction.
What is the introductory TDA thread?
A professor who teaches in the traditional classroom, in the blended format and online only.
What is multi modality professor?
Review the course shell. Understand the syllabus and the course expectations. Take responsibility for your participation. Add quality posts to the discussion. Have fun!
What is the responsibility of the professor and student?
To find the balance between the benefits of standardization and the power of individual creativity
What is a key challenge for achieving quality?
A measure of endurance by students from term-to-term with the University.
What is persistence?
We are dedicated to the academic success and career development of our students.
Who are DeVry Professors?