Define the term
APRA Statement of Ethics
Bits & Bytes
Total Gift Capacity
What is a prospects total giving potential, that is, the best guess a researcher can determine would be the maximum amount an individual could donate (typically within a one year period).
Private Foundation
What is a granting organization that usually receive money from one source (such a an individual or family) and disburse funds to qualified donees?
Members shall be truthful with respect to their identities and purpose and the identity of their institutions during the course of their work.
What is principle Integrity within the APRA Statement of Ethics
Relevant Information
What is information that moves the relationship forward with the prospect?
Define the primary use for Imagine Canada
What is sourcing foundations and corporations that accept funding for specific criteria?
What is the definition of how close an individual feels towards a charitable organization?
Public Corporation versus private corporation
What is a business that is run by a board of directors and publicly traded on the stock exchange with legal obligations to publicly report earnings, assets, liabilities, executive salaries, director salaries, etc. What is a business that is run by one or several individuals, does not have stocks on the stock exchange and it not obligated to report earnings, revenue, assets, losses, etc.
Members shall respect the privacy of donors and prospects and conduct their work the the highest level of discretion.
What is the principle Accountability?
Verifiable data
What is information that can be found within two or more reliable sources?
Outline the pros of Prospect Research Online (PRO)
What is finding gifts to other organizations? What is finding information on individual and companies within the ZoomInfo section
Estimated Net Worth
What is the best guess an researcher can determine of an individuals income and/or assets combined.
Public Foundation
What is a granting organization that raises funds from public sources to fund other qualified donees or to carry out their own programs or activities?
Members shall take the necessary care to ensure that their work is as accurate as possible. They shall only record data that is appropriate to the fundraising process and protect the confidentiality of all personal information at all times.
What is the principle Practice?
The value in using social media within prospect research
What is bringing the prospect's voice into the profile? What is the ability to hear what prospect's feel in a natural environment?
Define the drawback to FoundationSearch
What is cost prohibitive? What is information that is not necessarily up to date?
Life stage
What is the stage in life an individual is that would affect his/her ability to donate significantly to an organization?
Community Foundation
What is a granting organization that is classified as public foundations, but operate like private foundations; funded with donations of many contributors; grants restricted to the community in which it is located; and broad segments of community are represented by board members. The Toronto Community Foundation or London Community Foundation are examples.
Members shall avoid competing professional or personal interests and shall disclose such interests to their institution at the first instance.
What is the principle Conflict of Interest
Data that can be legally and legitimately be used by prospect research?
What is publicly available information?
State what CRA stands for / What information can be found there.
What is Canada Revenue Agency? What is tax returns for all registered charities including foundations.
Major Gift
What is a gift that is considered significant to an organization? What is 1% of the total fundraising goal for an organization?
Corporate foundation
What is an granting organization that receives private funds from profit-making business; are legally independent of corporations, but bound to them through funding and their boards.
What do the initials APRA stand for?
What is Association of Professional Researchers in Advancement?
List the demographics reviewed in class and indicate the pros and cons of demographics.
What is Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials? What is the ability to understand the values, viewpoints and historical activities that shape a particular age group? What are exceptions to the rule, generalizations and cultural differences?
Name three sources of information for corporations (free or otherwise)
What is google? What is company website? What is Dun & Bradstreet? What is fpinfomart? What is Industry Canada? What is Factiva?