Figurative Language
Literary Terms
Stages of Plot
Reading Skills
a comparison between 2 things, using the words "like", "as" or "than".
What is a simile?
a poem: 5 lines, AABBA rhyming format, starts out "There Once Was A..." or "There Was A...", 8 syllables, 8 syllables 5 syllables, 5 syllables, 8 syllables, funny or silly topic
What is limerick?
1. the struggles inside of a character's mind 2. the struggles outside of a character's mind
1. what is internal conflict? 2. what is external confilct?
introduces the characters and the setting
What is exposition?
What are the 4 Author's Purposes (the 4 reasons authors write
entertain persuade share thoughts inform
a comparison between 2 things, without using the words "like", "as" or "than"
What is a metaphor?
poem: 3 lines, the topic is about nature, doesn't rhyme, from Japan originally, 7 syllables 5 syllables 7 syllables
What is haiku?
1. the things that happen in a story, the action 2. the most important people in the story, the story is about them! 3. the people in the story who are not as important 4. the time and place of a story (sometimes includes weather!)
1. what is plot? 2. what are main characters? 3. what are minor characters? 4. what is setting?
when the conflict gets worst and the suspense builds
What is rising action?
What are the 2 purposes for reading?
for information for pleasure
when an author or poet gives human-like characteristics to things that are not human
What is personification?
a poem: doesn't have to rhyme, can be long or short, no rules about length, can be about any topic, no rules- it's free!
What is free-verse?
when the author gives you hints about what's going to happen next in a story
What is foreshaddowing?
the most exciting part of the story, the main conflict
What is the climax?
logical guesses about the character and events in a story (you're not guessing about what's going to happen next in the plot, you're making guesses about a character or event. for example "i think sally is brave because sally did this in the story..."
What are inferences?
sensory descriptions, descriptions of what things look like, taste like, feel like, sound like, etc. descriptions that you can picture in your mind.
What is imagery?
when we don't know who the author is because they didn't give their name, or it got lost over time
What is anonymous?
This is also called the "key idea". It is what the story is all about. It can usually be summed up in 1 sentence. "This story is about...."
What is main idea?
when the conflict is solved and things start to slow down in the story
What is falling action?
when you guess what's going to happen next in a story
What is "making predictions"?
a funny over-exageration "i'm so hungry i could eat a horse!"
What is hyperbole?
a group of lines in a poem, a phrase, it's like a paragraph only in a poem
What is stanza?
the order of events in a story, this action/event happened first, then this, then this.
What is plot sequence?
when loose ends are tied up, all the reader's questions are answered and the story comes to an end
What is conclusion?
How do you monitor your reading comprehension? (your understanding of what you've read) (there are 3 main ways!!!)
ask questions take notes re-read