Critical Thinking
Information Literacy
Problem Solving
Fallacious Arguments
Hodge Podge
Asking questions and tolerating uncertainity
What is the 4th step in the Critical Thinking Process
Name the type of question that applies to this statement: What is the boiling point of water?
What is a question of fact
Define Symptoms
What is a PART of the problem
Scare tactic
What is a desperate measure to put fear in your life
Drawing on your wits, creativity and determination is an example of using internal resourcefulness or
What is renewable energy
Helps people cope with the social and emotional demands in daily life. It is the single most influencing variable in personal achievement & career success.
What is Emotional Intelligence
Searching the Internet, library or conducting interviews is an example of:
What is Step 2 in the literacy process-Establishing where to find the information and how much information is needed.
Narrowing the symptoms to find the root of the problem
What is Step 2 in the problem solving process
An argument that only looks at the past and suggests that because we have always done it "this way" we should continue to do it "this way."
What is appeal to tradition?
Looking at common issues, known problems, everyday conflicts and daily challenges
What is: Step 2 of the Critical Thinking Process (looking at things differently)
Referencing the EI Chart:The category in which the following statement fits best: generating emotions to facilitate judgement.
What is using emotion to facilitate thought.
The steps you have learned on how to acquire and use information accurately and effectively.
What is: the five steps in the information literacy process
headache, chills, fever, vomiting, dehydration identifies with a step in the problem-solving process
What is: identify the symptoms
This statement fits into which Fallacious Argument: I don't care what anyone says, but if you're not in the same belief system that I am, you better watch your back.
What is the Fallacious argument Ad baculum
Requires answers that state a subjective preference and do not necessarily have correct or incorrect responses.
What is question of preference
The part of the brain that initiates the fight or flight response.
What is Amygdala
The definition of uncertainty
What is the cause of keeping you going, not giving up and asking questions.
Creating a Plan in the problem solving process fits into what step?
What is: Step 5 solving the problem and evaluating the results.
Hey Joe, let's grab a bus and head over to Wall Street to pro-test, everyone else is doing it.
What is bandwagon
DAILY DOUBLE: Founded the United Farm Workers.
Who is Cesar Chavez
Looking at things differently
What is the step in the critical thinking process that talks about clues and patterns
The definition is: The ability to look at things differently and think beyond the obvious.
What is drawing inferences
Steps in the Problem-Solving Process
What is Identify the symptoms, Narrow the issue to find the root problem, research and develop a variety of solutions, examine all the positive solutions, solve the problem and evaluate the results,
Glittering Generalities
What is a person, candidate or professional that is all for the right things, justice, low taxes, no inflation, low crime, ect...
Creative thinkers DO NOT give up. They stick to a project to its logical and reasonable end.