Sedimentary Rocks!
Igneous Rocks!
Sedimentary rock forms by....
What is when minerals are cemented and/or compacted together?
Igneous rocks form by...
What is when molten rock cools and hardens?
Metamophic rocks form by....?
What is due to extreme heat and/or pressure.
A fossil is...?
What is the trace or remains of an organism that preserved in a rock.
When did the Grand Canyon form?
What is aged 10 million years.
The three most common sedimentary rocks are....
What is limestone,sandstone and shale?
Which Statement is false. 1.) Igneous rocks form when molten rock cools and hardens 2.) A type of Igneous rock is Granite 3.)Igneous rocks don't exist on Earth
What is What is Igneous rocks don't exist on Earth
Marble forms when limestone is exposed to heat and pressure. What type of rock is marble?
What is a metamorphic rock.
What is an index fossil?
What is a fossil that live for a short time but in many places around the world.
What is the Earths age?
What is aged 4.5 billion years.
If you find a rock that contains a lot of seashell fossils, what is it most likely to be.
What is limestone?
Gabbro forms when magma cools slowly underground. As the magma cools, its aoms slow down and come together to form crystals of minerals like feldspar, pyroxene, and olivine. What kind of rock is gabbro.
What is igneous?
True or false; Do metamorphic rocks form above ground?
What is false.
Why are index fossils more useful to geologist than other fossils?
What is somthing used to compare the ages of rock layers at different locations.
A time scale that shows how many years ago different events happened is called a?
What is a numeric time scale.
A sample of Limestone will fizz when exposed to acid because Limestone is composed mainly of _________.
What is calcium carbonate to a sample of Limestone?
How an intrusive igneous rock forms.
What is when magma solidifies below Earth's surface?
Which FACT is true? 1.) Metamorphic rocks are ugly 2.) Metamorphic rocks form due to heat and/or pressure 3.) Metamorphic rocks don't exist on Earth
What is Metamorphic rocks form due to extreme heat and/or pressure?
Why are igneous and metamorphic rocks not good for finding fossils?
What is bad for fossils include heat, which would destroy the fossil.
There is a layer of Sandstone directly above a layer of granite. Geologist have determined that the granite formed about 200 million years ago. What can you say about the sandstone?
What is formed less than 200 years ago.
Limestone can form when ________ gets cemented and compacted together.
What is shells of marine organisms?
List at least 5 Igneous rocks.
What is Granite, Basalt fine grained, Basalt vesicular, obsidian,pumice, tuff and scoria?
List five metamorphic rocks.
What is schist, gneissm marble, quartzite, and slate.
What is a better index fossil, a trilobite that lived all over the world for a few million years or a dinosaur that lived in Australia for a few million years?
What is a trilobite that lived all over the world for a few million years.
Which of the following correctly list the organisms in the fossil record from the earliest (clostest when Earth formed) to the most recent (closest to today)? A) Reptiles, mammals, jellyfish B) Dinosaurs, insects, grass C) Trilobites, flowering plants, bees
What is in order of age trilobites, flowering plants, then bees.