passage 1 Jane Austin
passage 2 Special Bike
passage 3 missing climbers
passage 4 acne
A topic is ______ or ______ words that tell ________________________.
What is 1 or 2 words that tell what the passage is about
An important detail is that Jane Austin's fans are called________.
What is Janeites
An important detail is that______ at the Art Institute of _______ helped make a _________.
What is students at the Art Institute of Pensylvania helped make a bike.

The reason why we don't know for sure if the climbers reached the top is because ______________________________.

What is no camera was found.

The complications of acne are ________,________and______.
What are cysts, scars, ans low self esteem.
A main idea is a _______ sentence that ________ all the info in the passage.
What is complete sentence that summarizes all the info in the passage.
An important detail is that the act of writing ones own stories based on a well-loved author is called ___
What is fanfic?
The reason scientists wanted a special bike was because they needed ______ and ______means of ______.
What is simple and reliable transportation.
The clue that helped the searchers find Mallory was __________________________________.
What is a chinese climber saw the frozen body.

There are 4 general ways to treat acne, according to the passage: ____, _____, _____, and _______.

What are lifestyle changes, diet, sleep, and exercise.

A detail is a ______ piece of information that _____ the main idea.
What is specific piece of information that supports/proves the main idea.
A conclusion we can come to is that the presence of literature on the internet shows us what 2 things.
What is the power of a writer to inspire and that technology and literature work well together.

A specific problem in this passage is ____ ____ and the solution was ___ ___. (The answer is found in 1 one sentence)

What is deep snow and special tires.

The question we ask ourselves to find the main idea in this and any other story involving people is "______ is doing _______ and _____?"
Who is doing what and why?

The reason acne happens during puberty is because  ____ ____  trigger _______ glands which create more ____. The oil then gets ____ in the follicle and creates an acne blemish.

What is androgen hormones trigger oil glands which create more oil. The oil gets trapped (blocked, clogged) in the follicle and creates an acne blemish.

A detail can be a reason, ______, definition, or_______.
What is a reason, example,list, definition, or fact.
The topic of the passage is ______ ______'s literature and ______
What is Jane Austin's literature and the internet (or technology).

This important detail supports the idea of the NEED for a special bike. (why did they need a SPECIAL bike? be specific)

What is that 76 degrees velow zero made parts break.


The main idea of this passage is that ______ use ________ to narrow their search for the  _____ ______.

What is searchers use clues/evidence to narrow their search for missing climbers.


Sebum plays a role in causing acne because it gets ______ in the follicle and _____ grows.

What is it gets blocked/trapped in the follicle and bacteria grows.

A paragraph label is when you write a _____ or _____ _____ next to each paragraph.
What is a topic or main idea.
The main idea is that ____ of Jane Austin have ___________________________.
What is fans of Jane Austin have brought technology and literature together.

The main idea of this passage is that _____ and _____ worked to build a _____ for _____ ______.

What is scientists and students worked build a bike for cold weather.


A conclusion we can come to is that searchers were ______ not to find ________ of whether the climbers _____ ____ _____.

What is disappointed not to find proof of whether the climbers reaches the top.


Using the question "topic? what about the topic?" fill in the main idea below. _____ is caused by extra ______ and _____, comes in ___ forms, and can be treated by a _______ lifestyle.

What is Acne is caused by oil and bacteria, comes in 2 form, and can be treated by a healthy lifestyle.