Empathic Language
Interpersonal Language
Performative Language
Client: "My brother exludes me from family gatherings at his place and the rest of my family just goes along with it. I am so angry." Therapist: "No wonder."
Explain why "No wonder" was a good response at that point.
To prompt the client add to or correct something they've said.
What is the purpose of a projective statement?
Client: "I feel so weak and pathetic."
Provide a performative statement from the therapist.
To express our emotional response and reach something unexpressed in the other.
What is the purpose for simple empathic speech?
Empowering, partering, networking.
What are three words Sharon doesn't like?
Simple empathic statements- listen to the scenario and respond as the therapist.
Listen to the scenario and respond as the therapist.
Use a projective statement to respond to this client: Client: "I finally broke down and called my mother after two months." Therapist: ????????
What is "You felt relief" "She was glad to hear from you."
Therapist: "I commend you for your hard work."
What did the client say?
Searching for the unintegrated feelings in the body.
What is locating?
Sharon's least favourite antipathic statement.
What is "How does that make you feel?"
Respond to this client statement with a simple empathic statement as therapist.
Client: "My mother was rushed to the hospital yesterday." Therapist: ??????
Use a counterassumptive statement to respond to this client: Client: "I've been to therapy before about my anger and it never does any good- but I heard you're the best. If anyone can help, you will be able to."
What might be going on here and how might the therapist respond?
What is the desired effect on the client: Therapist: "It makes a lot of sense. I mean, you appear to have weathered this shock. You haven't lost your sense of humour."
Must above all be bland and the goal is to comfort by our presence. The client says: "I see no end to this."
What is an imitative statement?
"Thank Havens!"
What did you say when you finished reading Making Contact?
In your group, come up with a scenario for which this therapist response would be appropriate: Therapist: "God forbid you should want to escape."
The correct answer will address a union of conflicting elements. It implies there is a great power watching, and there is a desire for freedom.
Use a counterprojective statement to respond to this client: Client: "I hate my parents. They are ruining my life."
Hint- you need to be "next to" the client.
Therapist: "I apologize"
What might have happened between the client and therapist?
It may force the patient to feel what a therapist believes they should feel.
What is the danger of empathic statements?
"It is what it is."
What is a catch-all phrase you can use whenever you don't have anything to say.
Respond to this audio prompt with an appropriate empathic statement.
"My sister just had her fourth baby."
The client is trying to gain support for their point of view. Why might the therapist say "To each his own."
Performative remarks are the ____?___ of counterprojective ones. Performative comments voice __?__ ___?__ towards the patient and are about ___?___ ___?__ of the patient himself. (the answers are on p. 162).
Use a causal extension to respond to this client statment in a way that opens the door to exploration and does not lay blame:
Client: "I haven't been able to call my mother for two months."
When "as-if" problems become "real" problems and you have Teyber-eyes?
How do you know you've taken 6077.