Domain 1
Domain 2
Domain 3
Effects of illness that add to the normal experiences or behaviors of a person
What is Positive Symptoms?
Purpose is developing skills; focus is on modifying behavior; Emphasis is on identifying what skill are lacking in a specific area; Instructions and modeling are used to show desired behaviors as is role playing. Feedback is given about strengths and weaknesses in a positive tone; Assignments for practice are given.
What is Skills Training
The active and meaningful participation in decisions affecting their lives. Gives a sense of control and power over ones life that is often missing for people suffering from mental illness. Empowerment is recognized as situational as clients may have more power in some parts of life than other. Control can be exercised with the authority to make final decisions or might be shared with others; Empowerment is not given instead a person must take it on for themselves. Support can be given to ensure that individuals are facilitated in taking on power of their lives.
What is Empowerment
Theory that asserts that mental illness is a result of unresolved problems buried deep in an individual's mind
What is Psychodynamic
Eronious beliefs having to do with self inflation, religious, persecutory, somatic or referential in content
What is Delusions
A negative symptom in which a person experiences the loss of drive or will power
What is Avolition ?
Instruction- teach; Modeling-watch others use skills; Role Playing- Practice skills in pretend situation; Behavior Rehearsal- Practice skill in real situation with instructor; In-Vivo Practice- The skill is practiced in real situation without instructor.
What is five main steps to learning a new skill as suggested by Albert Bandura
A broad statement of a desired state one hopes to achieve, this should be the foundation of the rehabilitation plan
What is Goal?
A theory that suggests that some people who are already biologically susceptible to mental illnesses can become symptomatic because of certain stresses.
What is Diathesis Stress Model
excitement consists of driven, excited, excessive, but purposeless movement. At the other extreme catatonic patients may appear stuporous with a rigidly held posture, usually remaining mute and unresponsive
What is catatonia
The stage of schizophrenia where the person experiences both positive and negative sympotoms. Normal function begins to break down.
What is Prodormal Phase of Schizophrenia?
1. All people should have control over their own lives and make decisions about their lives. 2 All people should be valued as worthwhile, shown respect and treated with dignity no matter illness; 3. When a mentally ill person receives psyR services, there is hope fro improvement and recovery; 4. All people can learn new things and grow as individuals; 5. It is important to be aware of each persons unique personality, needs, culture, ethnicity and beliefs and show respect for differences.
What is five core values of PR professionals
an identified ability, skill or personal characteristic that an individual possesses which can be used advantageously in recovery from psychiatric rehabilitation
What is a Strength
1.Hope- believe it is possible to recover built upon strengths; 2. Healing- Person sees themselves as a person not an illness; 3. Empowerment- Feel control over life and decisions that affect it. 4. Connection- process of fully reentering society and the larger community with meaningful activities and relationships.
What is Four elements of Recovery Model
rapid change from one emotion to the next. Rapid as in minutes.
What is Affective lability
Assessing in situations specific to their unique needs and personal goals to give a clear understanding of his/her progress.
What is Situational Assessment?
Employers can not discriminate age. Requires employers to consider all qualified applicants for a job regardless of disabilities even if job accommodations will be required. During interview, employers can not ask about any obvious or possible disability. Employers with less than 15 employees are exempt from this law.
What is ADA Title 1
a tool to assist individuals in determining if they are ready to take part in rehabilitation
What is Readiness Assessment
Approach emphasizes the transition from institution to independent living as a multi step process based upon the following: 1. Has a variety of housing options 2. Require clients to move from the level with the highest support to the least ; 3. Clients currently participating at one level should all have achieved similar levels of function and progress; 4. the end goal is to achieve independent living status outside of the program. If client has setback and is hospitalized, they start all over. Limited research of efficacy on this model. some negative results constant state of impending change and limits choice as well as privacy.
What is Linear Continuum Model of Housing
The condition of persistent dysphoria or mild mood depression
What is Dysthymia
Stigma, anxiety, concentration issues, gaps in skills, overwhelming, organization skills, and interacting with other persons.
What is "Obsticals to persuing Education"
A scientific field that focuses on changing or refining hereditary characteristics in a specific species, breed or race
What is Eugenics
a tool that assist the PsyR practioner and his client figure out what skills are needed to achieve the clients' goals and which of these needed skills the client possesses
What is Functional assessment
Practioners are guided by the belief that all services and assistance is desinged to achieve specific outcomes. Outcomes and outcome measures are determined by client goals and choices.
What is Outcome Orientation
Delusion that others can perceive the patient's thoughts
What is thought broadcasting