Text Features/Structures
Author's Purpose
Michael felt completely sad and completely alone. He had always counted on his grandfather for help and for guidance. Now, without him he wasn’t sure what he could do. The feeling made him even more adamantly opposed to drunk driving.

What happened to Michael's grandfather? A. Michael's grandfather was in jail. B. Michael's grandfather was killed by a drunk driver. C. michael's grandfather offered him advice.

B. Michael's grandfather was killed by a drunk driver.
The bird couldn't fly, which made catching it pretty easy,even for someone as clumsy as Kyle. The bird was different shades of brown, nothing pretty like a robin or a chickadee. But still, it was pretty adorable,and Ireached out with my index finger and touched the soft feathers.

What is the text structure of lines 14-19? A. cause and effect B. compare and contrast c. description D. sequence

C. Description
I took the tome off the shelf and opened it to page 94. Then I began to read.

What does tome probably mean? A) some food B) a bad dream C) a cigarette D) a book

D) a book
Ballooning became an international sport in 1906 with the staging of the first James Gordon Bennett Trophy Race in France. This long-distance event took place nearly every year from 1906 to shortly before the beginning of World War II.

3. Which of these statements best summarizes paragraph #3? A. Ballooning stopped being a sport in the 1950s. B. Ballooning is an international sport that has had almost a century of participation. C. Ballooning is a sport for only European nations. D. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale governs all balloonists.

B. Ballooning is an international sport that has had almost a century of participation.
Lisa always looked forward to the fall because of the Harvest Festival. Of course, she loved the rides, but she really enjoyed the shows. This year would be the best. Lisa had a special opportunity to perform in the talent show.

The author's purpose is to a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform. d. create a mysterious mood.

a. entertain.
He had always wanted to serve is country, but this seemed like madness. He was supposed to fight a war in a foreign land, helping to protect people whom he didn’t even know. Michael had a strong sense of patriotism, but he was worried about the bombs, death, and carnage that could await him in Iraq. He pondered whether he would ever see his family again.

What conclusions can you draw about how Michael is feeling about going to war? a)he regrets joining the military b)he is afraid of going into battle c)he is looking forward to the challenge of being in the military d)he feels proud of his country

b)he is afraid of going into battle
8 Jared carefully recorded his results on several graphs. He created a neat, professional poster and he attached his graphs to it. He decided to display the flashlights and extra batteries along with his poster. Once his poster was complete,Jared began to compile his report. First, he listed all the materials he used to complete his project. Next, he wrote the procedure he followed to conduct his experiment. He then wrote his hypothesis for what he believed the conclusion would be. He carefully copied his observations from his notebook into his report. Finally,he summarized his observations into a succinct conclusion paragraph.

What paragraph structure is used to organize paragraph 8? A. compare-contrast B. cause-effect C. sequential order D. order of importance

C. Sequential Order
Hurricanes and tornadoes are treacherous. Only a very foolish person would go out during that kind of weather.

What does treacherous probably mean?

A) exciting B) dangerous C) delirious D) safe

B) dangerous
Ballooning is a sport involving competition between manned balloons. Pilot excellence is judged by the best-conducted flight. Because wind alone determines the velocity and direction of a flight, balloonists can seldom predict where their craft will land. But they must know the effects of air currents on height and direction and how to manipulate valves and ballast for ascents and descents.

1. Which of these statements best summarizes paragraph #1? A. Ballooning is an easy sport. B. The best-conducted flight is judged by the pilot. C. The pilot of a balloon must have a wide range of skills. D. The balloon does all of the piloting.

C.The pilot of a balloon must have a wide range of skills.
What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the trash, or do you recycle when you are finished with them? At the rate we are filling our landfills, we will not have anywhere else to put our trash. If you recycle, you will help the environment. The next time you throw away your Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling bin. Your effort will help save your community.

The author's purpose is to a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform. d. create a mysterious mood.

b. persuade.
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice all live in the same house. Bob and Carol go out to a movie, and when they return, Alice is lying dead on the floor in a puddle of water and glass. It is obvious that Ted killed her but Ted is not prosecuted or severely punished.

What happened?

Alice is a goldfish; Ted is a cat.
18 He got home around ten o'clock,and found his mom on the couch reading a paperback novel. "Hi, sweetie," she said. "Did you have a good time?" He smiled and replied that he did, while his mom turned the book on its face and inclined her head down the hallway. "Your little brother is probably still up; he asked if you could stop by his room when you got back."

What heading can be placed above paragraph 18 in the passage? A. Back at Home B. Later That Day C. After the Puppet Show D. Heading for Bed

A. Back at Home
Many ships have vanished during hurricanes. No survivors from the lost ships have ever been found.

What does vanished probably mean? A) arrived B) departed C) returned D) disappeared

D) disappeared
With all those vast mesas and canyons in the Southwest, you might think that finding a good desert resort would be a simple matter. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are many mirages out there; during a recent trip, I saw scores of so-called desert resorts where cars outnumbered the cacti and neon outshone the stars.

9. Which of the following best summarizes the author's main point? (A) Desert resorts will lose their customers because they lack space and solitude. (B) A good desert resort is not as easy to find as people may think. (C) People expect a desert resort to have all of the modern conveniences. (D) Because desert areas are rare in this country, desert resorts are a luxury.

(B) A good desert resort is not as easy to find as people may think.
This was Kathy's first baby-sitting job. She was so excited, but she was really nervous. Kathy's parents made her attend a baby-sitting workshop before she could baby-sit her neighbor's five-year-old son, Matthew. Kathy knew this was a lot of responsibility, but she thought she was ready. Kathy marched confidently to Matthew's house and waved goodbye to Matthew's parents. It seemed as soon as his parents left, Matthew fell and hit his chin on the coffee table. Without panicking, she remembered what she learned in her baby-sitting class and applied first-aid.

The author wants to show that a. Matthew should not run in the house. b. Kathy is ready to baby-sit. c. Kathy needs to attend more baby-sitting workshops. d. Coffee tables can be dangerous.

b. Kathy is ready to baby-sit.
Video gaming is one of the largest industries in America. Each day more and more children are getting addicted to video games. It is not uncommon to play a shoot’em up game where ten people are getting killed every minute. Yet, despite societal pressures to eliminate violent video games, as each day passes, more gamers are getting hooked.

What conclusions can you draw about the video game industry?a)as time goes on, pressure to make games less violent will decrease the number of shooting games b)as time goes on more parents will prevent their children from playing violent video games c)as time goes on the video game industry will loose money d)as time goes on more and more children will play video games

d)as time goes on more and more children will play video games
The neighborhood soon took on a brighter look. People began taking pride in their streets,cleaning them up and repairing their homes. By 1905,Hull House was the finest settlement of its kind in the United States. Social workers from all over America came to watch its activities and to talk with Miss Addams. Hull House became the model for similar houses in other slum neighborhoods.

Which text structure is used to organize this passage? A. procedure B. compare/contrast C. sequential order D. description

D. description
By anticipating the robber's next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the next robbery happened. Now the robber is in jail.

What does anticipating probably mean?

A) thinking ahead, expecting B) drawing, painting C) horrifying, amazing D) strange, unusual

A) thinking ahead, expecting
A recent study showed that in twelve cases of computer-related embezzlement, the average take was one million dollars. With such rewards, computer crime seems destined to flourish, especially because the chances of detection are so slim; embezzlers are discovered more often by coincidence than by internal safeguards.

5. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the passage? (A) Annual reports concerning computer crime are accurate. (B) Computer crime can be a very profitable business. (C) Various techniques are used in computer crime. (D) The adoption of safeguards against computer crime is widespread.

(A) Annual reports concerning computer crime are accurate.
Ted, the school reporter, interviewed both candidates for the school election. In his column on the school election, he printed his interview with the two candidates. The following selections were taken out of the school newspaper.

1st letter. Do you want the best class president for your school? If so, please vote for Marco Rodriguez. I am a responsible candidate who will work hard to make our school a better place. Vote for Marco this coming Tuesday.

2nd letter: We need a change at our school. I am the person for this job. I am an honor student who is involved in many different activities. I know I can make a difference. Vote for me, and our school will be even better. Candice Park

Ted believes that a. Marco should be the president. b. Candace should be president. c. all students should vote. d. the students should know the candidates' views.

d. the students should know the candidates' views.
In the middle of the ocean is a yacht. Several corpses are floating in the water nearby.

What happened?

A bunch of people are on an ocean voyage in a yacht. One afternoon, they all decide to go swimming, so they put on swimsuits and dive off the side into the water. Unfortunately, they forget to set up a ladder on the side of the boat, so there's no way for them to climb back in, and they drown.
Even though Rolfe experienced immense personal tragedy while in Bermuda,the time spent there also altered the destiny of his life and that of the Virginia settlement and the country of England. Up until this time,England had been unsuccessful in creating any profitable export business in the New World. The colonist had tried industrial endeavors in glass and silk making, lumber, sassafras,soap ashes,as well as tar and pitch.

What text structure does the author use to organize this passage? A. simple cause and effect B. compare/contrast C. order of importance D. sequential order

D. Sequential Order
Some people think that discussing the dangers of cigarette smoking obscures the real issue. They believe the real issue is that smokers are discriminated against.

What does obscure probably mean? A) to shorten B) to challenge C) to make obvious D) to hide, conceal

D) to hide, conceal
Contemporary astrology is a widespread and lucrative practice. Newspapers all over the world publish daily astrological forecasts; books and periodicals devoted exclusively to astrology have a large readership; and many astrologers prepare elaborate predictions for thousands of believers. Among the most famous of the old astrological treatises are the so-called prophecies of Nostradamus. During World War I and World War II, and at the end of the 2d millennium (1999 2000), many people consulted Nostradamus and claimed that he foretold events.

1. From the passage, we can summarize that ____. A. Astrology is a true science that is based on astronomy B. Nostradamus’ astrological predictions have all come true C. Even though a pseudoscience, astrology still has a place in today’s world D. Astrology is auspicious

C.Even though a pseudoscience, astrology still has a place in today’s world
Ted, the school reporter, interviewed both candidates for the school election. In his column on the school election, he printed his interview with the two candidates. The following selections were taken out of the school newspaper.

1st letter. Do you want the best class president for your school? If so, please vote for Marco Rodriguez. I am a responsible candidate who will work hard to make our school a better place. Vote for Marco this coming Tuesday.

2nd letter: We need a change at our school. I am the person for this job. I am an honor student who is involved in many different activities. I know I can make a difference. Vote for me, and our school will be even better. Candice Park

9. Ted mentioned the two candidates in his article because a. he thought Candice Park was a better candidate. b. he was friends with Marco. c. his teacher told him to. d. he wanted to give both candidates an equal opportunity.

d. he wanted to give both candidates an equal opportunity.