French Revolution
French Republics
Congress of Vienna
This estate had very little political power, yet they had the most people and paid the highest taxes.
What is the 3rd Estate
He was a lawyer that fought for equality, voting rights and freedom of the press in the French Revolution
Who was Maxmilien Robespierre?
This French word describes how Napoleon took power and became a consol in France.
What is coup d'etat?
In addition to Great Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria, this was the only other nation that was allowed a voice at the Congress of Vienna
What is France?
This group made up of Europeans born in Latin America did not feel that they had all of the rights and priveleges that they were entitled to. They still had more rights than natives and slaves.
Who were the Creoles?
This group was made up of the middle class: bankers, merchants and business owners.
What is the bourgeoisie.
The French Revolution, like most revolutions, was led by members of this social class
What is the upper middle class.
In addition to ensuring British naval superiority for the next 100 years, Napoleon's defeat at Trafalgar prevented him from doing this:
What is invasion of England?
This was the idea of restoring members of royal families to thrones in countries that Napoleon conquered.
What is legitimacy?
This was the policy of Russia toward ethnic groups with in its borders to adopt Russian culture.
What is Russification?
The reason that the Estates General was called together
What is to approve a new tax.
This group was a radical political organization that took control in revolutionary France.
What was the Jacobins?
This was meant to hurt British trade and make Europe more self-sufficient.
What is the Continental System?
The concept of making sure that countries in Europe such as France were strong enough to defend themselves, but not be aggressive to their neighbors.
What is balance of power.
This artistic movement stresses Nationalist themes such as heroes and cultural pride.
What is Romanticism?
The reason that the urban poor of Paris broke into the Bastille on July 14th.
What is to find gunpowder and weapons to fight the King's army.
This estate had the most people sent to execution by the guillotine during the French Revolution
What is the third estate?
Russian Czar Alexander used this tactic to hurt Napoleon's advancing armies in 1812.
What is scorched-earth policy?
The Holy Alliance was formed because of belief in Christian principles, these three countries also banded together to help each other fight revolts in each others' lands.
What are Austria, Prussia and Russia?
The merger of a poitically divided but culturally similar lands such as German states and Italian states is known as this type of nationalist movement.
What is unification?
The document that was created by the first National Assembly to guarrantee rights of the people. It did not last.
What is Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
These two countries sent armies to France in order to restore Louis XVI to the throne, and to prevent the idea of revolution from spreading outside of France.
What were Prussia and Austria?
Napoleon put his brother in charge of this country when its king did not support Napoleon's attack on Portugal.
What is Spain?
An unintended short term consequence of the Congress of Vienna was to cause a series of rebellions in this region of the world.
What is Latin America
The first successful African slave revolt took place in Saint Domingue. It is now known as this country.
What is Haiti