Big Blue Marble
Political Animals
U.S. Election
Grab Bag
An internet campaign to bring Joseph Kony to justice took off last week. Most of Kony’s crimes have taken place in this country
What is Uganda?
Nicholas Sarkozy’s move to the right on this issue is seen as an attempt to win voters from the National Front in the upcoming French presidential election.
What is immigration?
Over the weekend, Mitt Romney won the Wyoming caucus, but Rick Santroum won the caucus in this state.
What is Kansas?
This state’s university system is under fire for a proposal that would require students to declare their sexual orientation.
What is California?
We are approaching the one year anniversary of a tsunami that hit this country.
What is Japan?
This American state performs the most executions.
What is Texas?
This international official recently went to Syria in an attempt to solve political violence, but failed.
Who is Kofi Annan?
Newt Gingrich won this many states on Super Tuesday.
What is 8?
Rush Limbaugh apologized for remarks made concerning a Georgetown University Law student last week. These remarks happened because of the student’s stance on this issue.
What is Birth Control?
What was the name of the computer worm that attacked Iran’s nuclear program in 2010?
What is Stuxnet?
It is reported that the Senate’s “Gang of Six” is looking at trying to find a solution to this issue.
What is the national debt?
This many current U.S. Senators have chosen not to seek re-election in 2012.
What is ten?
This Republican presidential candidate won more states on Super Tuesday than any other candidate.
What is Mitt Romney?
Three children and a teacher were killed by a gunman on a scooter who opened fire on a Jewish school in this city in this country.
What is Toulouse, France?
Iran recently held elections for this.
What is Parliament?
This conservative media voice passed away last week.
Who is Andrew Breitbart?
Which GOP Senator announced that they are going to retire, thereby throwing the GOP’s plans to recapture the Senate into disarray?
Who is Olympia Snowe?
He said, “The convention will nominate a conservative. They will not nominate the establishment moderate candidate from Massachusetts. When we nominate moderates, when we nominate a Tweedledum versus Tweedledee, we don’t win elections.”
Who is Rick Santorum?
Police have arrested 16 judges in what they say is a big anti-mafia operation in this country.
What is Italy?
He won the Russian presidential election.
Who is Vladimir Putin?
General Motors halted production of this vehicle last week.
What is the Chevy Volt?
According to televised reports three "terrorists" and a security force member were killed in an uprising in this capitol of this country.
What is Damascus, Syria?
This politician raised $45 million in February.
Who is President Obama?
This is a mission designed to investigate the Earth’s magnetic field.
What is Swarm?