Katniss's stylist is Cinna
What is Katniss' stylist name?
11 tributes died on the first day of the Games
How many tributes were killed on the first day of The Hunger Games?
District 12's chief industry was coal mining
What is district 12's industry?
Katniss shot an arrow through an apple in the pig's mouth, pinning it to the wall behind it
What did Katniss shoot an arrow through in the training exhibition?
Katniss and Peeta are District 12's tributes for the Hunger Games
Who are district 12's tributes?
The girl from district one, the girl from district two and Glimmer die when Katniss drops the the tracker jacker nest on them
Which tributes die when Katniss drops the tracker jacker nest
District 11's industry is agriculture ; orchards and fields of grain and cotton surround the district
Which district's industry is agriculture?
Katniss retrieved Glimmer's bow and arrow after she died, and before she was picked up by the hovercraft
What did Katniss take from Glimmer after she had died?
Foxface ate some of the poisonous berries that Peeta had found, she died practically instantly
What did foxface eat, that killed her right when she ate it?
Caesar Flickerman is the host for the Hunger Games. He is shown to help tributes in each district with their interviews
Who is the hostess for The Hunger Games?
The first tribute Katniss killed was the boy from district 1, who was Marvel
Who was the first tribute Katniss killed?
District 1 was consideres the wealthiest district, the only other wealthier area being the Capitol itself
which district was considered the wealthiest district?
Katniss blew up the Career tributes' food, and other important supplies
Whos supplies did Katniss blow up?
Peeta gave Katniss bread
What did Peeta give to Katniss the day he "saved" her life?
Clove attempts to kill Katniss but fails
Who tries to kill Katniss at the Cornucopia feast in the Hunger Games?
The girl from district eight is killed by the careers and Peeta on the second day after she built a fire that drew them to her
Who was killed by a pack of Careers and Peeta after she builds a fire that draws them to her?
District eleven sends Katniss a loaf of bread after Rue's death
What District sends Katniss a loaf of bread?
Marvel used a Spear to kill Rue
What did Marvel use to kill Rue?
Katniss was desperate for water, she would've died of dehidration if she wouldn't have found the river
What was Katniss desperate for, almost died because she needed this?
Peeta has been in love with Katniss since they were 5 years old and he heard her sing for the first time
Who is the boy who has been in love with Katniss ever since they were 5 years old?
The first tribute out of them all to die was the boy from district 9, who was killed by Clove
Who was the first tribute to die in The Hunger Games?
The Careers come from the wealthier districts, 1, 2, and 4, where being a tribute is seen as a great honor
What districts did the Career tributes come from?
The backpack contained a sleeping bag, an iodine (water purifier) dropper, water bottle, crackers, beef strips and night glasses
What did the backpack that Katniss first got when the Games started, contain?
The sponsors sent Peeta and Katniss a backet full of food from the capitol
What did the sponsors send to Peeta and Katniss in a basket while they were in the cave?